Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, he willed him to set before his eies the example of the king of Nauarre,The king of Nauarre a king without a realme, and [...]. who for assistance giuen to the French king was now a king without a realme. And as touching answere to be made to the manifold griefs in the Scotish kings letters sur|mised, if law or reason could haue remooued him from his sensuall opinions, he had beene manie times al|readie answered sufficientlie to the same; vnlesse to the pretended griefs therein amongst other compri|sed, for denieng of a safe conduct to the Scotish am|bassadour to haue beene lastly sent vnto him. Wher|vnto thus he answered; that the same safe conduct had béene granted, if the Scotish herald would haue taken it with him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And finallie, as touching the Scotish kings re|quest,The king of Englands an|swere to the [...]ast clause of the Scotish kings letter. to desist from further attempting against the French K. he signified to him, that he knew him for no competent iudge of so high authoritie, as to re|quire him in that behalfe, and therefore God willing he ment with the aid and assistance of his confede|rats & alies to prosecute his begun attempt. And as the Scotish king should doo to him, & to his realme, so it should be hereafter remembred and acquited. These letters were written in the campe before Terwine the twelfe of August, and giuen vnder the kings signet, and therewith deliuered to Lion king of armes, who had of the king 100 angels in reward.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then departed he with his letters into Flan|ders,An hundred angels to a Scotish he|rald for a re|ward. there to take ship to saile into Scotland, but yer he could haue a vessell and wind for his purpose, his maister was slaine, as after ye shall heare. In this meane while the Frenchmen being assembled and lodged in campe at Blangie on this side Amiens, the French king appointed that all the horssmen to the number of eight thousand (as Paulus Iouius recor|deth) should go with vittels vnto Terwine,Fourtéene hundred men of armes hath Monsieur de Langeie. and put the same into the towne, if by anie meanes they might, for that those within stood as then in great necessitie for want of vittels.