Compare 1577 edition: 1 The English perceiuing the maner of the French men,The English nauie purpo|sing to set vp|on the French in the hauen, are defeated by a mischãce. determined to set on them in the hauen, and ma|king forward in good order of battell, at their first en|trie one of their ships, whereof Arthur Plantagenet, was capteine, fell on a blind rocke, and burst in sun|der, by reason whereof, all the other staied: and [...] English capteins perceiuing that the hauen was dangerous to enter without an expert lodesman, they cast about, and returned to their harborough at Berthram baie againe. The Frenchmen percei|uing that the Englishmen meant to assaile them, moored their ships so neere to the castell of Brest as they could, and placed bulworks on the land on eue|rie side, to shoot at the Englishmen. Also they trapped togither foure and twentie great hulkes that came to the baie for salt, and set them on a row, to the in|tent that if the Englishmen had come to assault them, they would haue set those hulks on fire, and haue let them driue with the streame amongst the English ships.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Prior Iehan also laie still in Blanke sable baie, and plucked his gallies to the shore, setting his basi|liskes and other ordinance in the mouth of the baie, which baie was bulworked on euerie side, that by water it was not possible to be woone. The lord ad|merall perceiuing the French nauie thus to lie in feare,The lord ad|merall would haue the king present in per|son at the en|counter, and is rebuked. wrote to the king to come thither in person, and to haue the honour of so high an enterprise: which writing the kings councell nothing allowed, for put|ting the king in ieopardie vpon the chance of the sea. Wherefore the king wrote to him sharplie againe, commanding him to accomplish that which appertei|ned to his duetie: which caused him to aduenture things further than wisedome would he should (as after yée shall heare) to his vtter vndooing and ca|sting awaie, God hauing ordeined the means by his prouidence, which the pagans implied (though wan|ting the light of grace) in the name of destinie, of them counted ineuitable. Guic. pag 32 [...] [A destinie lamentable considering the qualitie of the person, with the ma|ner of his dieng. Wherein although manie vainlie dispute, that fortune led him to so miserable an acci|dent: yet if we will lift vp our considerations to God, we shall find that he hath reserued such a prero|gatiue ouer all things which he hath created, that to him onelie belongeth the authoritie to dispose all things by the same power wherewith he hath created them of nothing.] And yet the foolish world (doting in blind ignorance, but pretending a singular in|sight in matters of secrecie) blusheth not to talke or rather to asseuere, casualtie, chancemedlie, misfor|tune, and such like foolish imaginations: whereas (in|déed) the prouidence of God compasseth all things whatsoeuer, for nothing can be priuileged from the amplenesse of the same.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Prior Iehan kéeping him still within his hold, Anno Reg. 5. as a prisoner in a dungeon, did yet sometime send out his small foists to make a shew before the Eng|lish nauie, which chased them to the baie. But bicause the English ships were mightie vessels, they could not enter the baie: and therefore the lord admerall caused certeine boats to be manned foorth, which tooke one of the best foists that Prior Iehan had, and that with great danger: for the gallies and bulworks shot so freshlie all at one instant, that it was mar|uell how the Englishmen escaped. The lord admerall perceiuing that the Frenchmen would not come a|broad, called a councell, wherein it was determined,A consultati [...] about the as|saulting of Prior Ieh [...] that first they would assaile Prior Iehan and his gal|lies lieng in Blanke sable baie, and after to set on the residue of the French fléet in the hauen of Brest. Then first it was appointed, that the lord Ferrers, sir Stephan Bull, and other, should go ala [...]d with a conueuient number to assault the bulworkes, while the admerall entered with row barges and little gallies into the baie, and so should the Frenchmen be assailed both by water and land.