Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Then a gentleman of good experience and credit amongest them, aduised the other capteins not to fight; but to retire a little and take a strong ground, there to remaine till the Englishmen returned to|ward their ships: and then to take the aduantage. And so the capteins began to retire, which when the commons saw, they all ran awaie as fast as they might, supposing that the capteins had seene or knowne some great perill at hand, bicause they were not priuie to the purpose of their capteins. The lord admerall séeing what happened, when the night came departed to his ships. After this the gentlemen of Britaine sent to the admerall for a safeconduct for di|uerse persons, which they ment to send to him about a treatie. The lord admerall was of his gentlenesse content to grant their request. Then certeine lords of Britaine tooke a bote, and came to the ship of the lord admerall, where he was set with all his councell of the armie about him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The request of the Britains was,The request of the lords of Britaine to the lord ad|merall. that it might please him to surcease his cruell kind of warre, in burning of townes and villages: but the admerall plainlie told them, that he was sent to make warre and not peace. Then they required a truce for six daies, which would not be granted;A truce requi|red for six daies and to their re|proofe, the admerall told them, that gentlemen ought to defend their countrie by force, rather than to sue for peace. And thus (making them a banket) he sent them awaie. And after hearing that there was ships of warre on the seas; he coasted from thence alongst the countrie of Normandie, still scowring the sea; so that no enimie durst appeare. And at length he came and laie by the Ile of Wight, to see if anie enimies would appéere. During which time, diuers ships were kept in the north seas, vnder the conduct of sir Ed|ward Ichingham, Iohn Lewes, Iohn Louedaie, and others.
Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 815
This yeare also in Iune, the king kept a solemne iustes at Gréenewich, the king & sir Charles
Bran|don taking vpon them to abide all commers. ¶ First came the ladies all in white and red silke,
[...] description [...] s [...]ewes [...] triumphs [...].
Huic erat à teneris annis ars bellica cordi.]