Compare 1577 edition:
2 Then about
the end of October it was agréed amongest all the lords of the English hoast that they should breake vp
their campe,
The English campe in Bis|kaie breaketh vp. The armie dispersed into sundrie villa|ges.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 When this letter was read, and the contents thereof notified,Unappeacea|ble rage a|mongest the English soul|diers. the souldiers began to be so highlie displeased; and spake such outragious words, as it was maruell to heare: & not contented with words, they were bent to haue doone outragious déeds; inso|much that in their furie they had slaine the lord Ho|ward and diuerse others, if they had not followed their intents: and herevpon they were glad to hire ships, and so imbarked themselues in the moneth of Nouember. When the lord marquesse was brought aboord, he was so weake and féeble of remembrance thorough sickenesse, that he asked where he was. In the beginning of December they landed here in England,The English armie retur|neth out of Biskaie. and were glad to be at home, and got out of such a countrie, where they had little health, lesse pleasure, and much losse of time. The king of Spaine séemed to be sore discontented with their departure, openlie affirming, that if they had taried vntill the next spring, he would in their companie haue inuaded France.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About the same time that the marquesse went in|to Spaine,The lord ad|merall in Britaine. that is to wit, about the middest of Maie, sir Edward Howard lord admerall of England, be|ing on the sea afore Portesmouth, made foorth againe to the sea, and directing his course towards Britaine on Trinitie sundaie arriued at Berthram baie with twentie great ships, and suddenlie set his men on land, and there wan a bulworke, which the Britains kept and defended a while; but being ouercome, fled out of their hold, & left it to the Englishmen. Then the lord admerall passed seauen miles into the coun|trie, burning and wasting townes and villages, and in returning, skirmished with diuerse men of ames, and slue some of them: and notwithstanding that the Britains [...]ought valiantlie in defense of their coun|trie; yet they were put to the worsse, and so the lord admerall returned to his ships.