Under and about the said castell, a curious vine, the leaues and grapes thereof gilded with fine gold, the walles of the same castell coloured white & gréene losengis, and in euerie losing either a rose or a pome|granat, and a sheafe of arrowes, or else H. and K. gil|ded with fine gold, with certeine arches and turrets gilded, to support the same castell. And the targets of the armes of the defendants, appointed for the said iusts, therevpon sumptuouslie set. And out at seue|rall places of the same castell, aswell on the daie of the coronation, as on the said daies of the iusts & tur|neies, out of the mouthes of certeine beasts or gar|gels did run red, white, and claret wine. The enter|prisers of these iusts, was Thomas lord Howard,The enterpri|sers of the [...] iusts. heire apparant to the earle of Surrie, sir Edward Howard admerall his brother, the lord Richard bro|ther to the Marques Dorset, sir Edmund Howard, sir Thomas Kneuet, and Charles Brandon esquier. The trumpets blew to the field, the fresh yoong ga|lants and noble men gorgeouslie apparrelled, with curious deuises of cuts and of embroderies, as well in their coates as in trappers for their horsses, some in gold, some in siluer, some in tinsels, and diuerse o|ther in goldsmithes worke, goodlie to behold.
These first entred the field, in taking vp & turning their horsses, netlie and freshlie.Goodlie she [...] & delightfull. Then followed a de|uise (caried by strength of men and other prouision) framed like a castell, or a turret, wrought with fine cloth of gold: the top whereof was spred with roses and pomegranats, hanging downe on euerie side of the said deuise; wherein was a ladie, bearing a shield of christall named Pallas. After whom the said lord Howard with his companions followed, armed at all points, their bases and bards, or trappers, were of gréene veluet, beaten with roses and pomegra|nats of gold, brodred with fringes of damaske gold. The said deuise or turret,Pallas knights the defendants. being brought before the king, the ladie Pallas presented the said persons, whom she named hir scholers, to the kings highnes, beséeching the same to accept them as hir scholers, who were desirous to serue him, to the increase of their honours; which said scholers had about them on foot to the number of an hundred persons, freshlie ap|parrelled, in veluets of sundrie colours, with hose & bonets according to the same. And further, the said ladie desired the king, that it might please his grace, that hir said scholers might be defendants to all commers, which request was granted.
Then came in an other band of horssemen,Another band of horssemen richlie [...]. fresh|lie and well apparelled in cloth of gold, in siluer, in goldsmithes worke, & broderie, to the number of three score, with trappers according to their garments, with great bauderikes, collars, and chaines of gold about their necks and trauerse their bodies, euerie man with a coife of gold on his head, and a great EEBO page image 803 plume of feathers therevpon, some of one colour and some of an other, entering before into the field with drums and fifes a great number, euerie man taking vp his horsse in his best maner, as well for their la|dies, as also for laud or praise to be giuen them. After whome followed a good number of footmen, in vel|uets and other silkes, cut and embrodered, with hose to the same accordinglie, and bonets and other fur|niture, after a fresh and lustie fashion. Next to them came on horssebacke eight persons, whose names were,Eight knights ar|me [...] at all paints. sir Iohn Pechie, sir Edward Neuill, sir Ed|ward Guildeford, sir Iohn Carre, sir William Parre, sir Giles Capell, sir Griffith Dun, and sir Rouland, armed also at all points, with shields of their owne armes, with rich plumes, and other deui|ses on their head péeces, their bases and trappers of tissue, cloth of gold, siluer and veluet; and next before them, a gentleman on horssebacke, in a coat of blue veluet, embrodered with gold, and his horsse trapped in the same sute, with a speare of gold on his thigh, and the same presented to the quéene: saieng, that it was informed those knights of his companie, how that dame Pallas had presented six of hir scholers to the king, but whether they came to learne, or to teach feats of armes they knew not.