Compare 1577 edition: 1 Whilest this ladie soiourned for hir recreation in the bishops palace of London, being in the meane time visited of the king, the quéene, and the kings mother, there was erected in the bodie of S. Paules church a long bridge made of timber, extending from the west doore of the church to the step at the entring into the queere, which was six foot from the ground. On the said bridge or stage, euen directlie before the consistorie of the church was a place raised like a mount for eight persons to stand vpon, compassed round about with steps to ascend and descend, which was couered with fine red worsted, and in likewise were all the railes of the said stage. On the north side of this mount was a place decked and trimmed for the king and quéene, and such other as they appointed to haue. On the south side of the same mount stood the maior and the magistrates of the citie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When all things were prepared and set in order, vpon the fouretéenth of Nouember then being sun|daie,The solemni|zation of the mariage be|tweene Ar|thur prince of Wales & Ka|tharine daugh+ter to the king of Spaine. the foresaid ladie was led to the said mount, and there prince Arthur openlie espoused hir, both be|ing clad in white, both lustie and amorous, he of the age of fifteene and more, and she of the age of eigh|téene or thereabouts, the king and queene standing priuily on their stage. After the matrimonie celebra|ted, the prince and his wife went vp into the queere, and there heard a solemne masse soong by the archbi|shop of Canturburie, associat with ninetéene pre|lats mitred. And after the masse finished, the bride was led homewards to the bishops palace by the duke of Yorke being then a goodlie yoong prince, and the legat of Spaine. Next after followed the ladie Cicilie sister to the quéene, supporting the traine of the spouse.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to speake of all the solemne pompe, noble companie of lords and ladies, and what a sumptuous feast and plentifull was kept, with dansing and dis|guisings, words might sooner faile than matter wor|thie of rehearsall. Howbeit euerie daie endeth and night insueth, and so when night was come, the prince and his beautifull bride were brought and ioined to|gither in one bed, where they laie as man and wife all that night. ¶ Now when the morning appéered, the prince (as his familiar seruitors, Edw. Hall fol. liij. which had then nei|ther cause nor reward to lie or faine, openlie told the tale) called for drinke, which he before times was not accustomed to doo. At which thing one of his chamber|leines maruelling, asked the cause of his drouth. To whome the prince answered merilie, saieng; I haue this night béene in the middest of Spaine, which is a hot region, and that iournie maketh me so drie: and if thou haddest béene vnder that hot climat, thou wouldest haue béene drier than I.]