¶For when king Henrie was come to Excester with a great armie, Iohn Hooker, aliàs Vowell. mooued therevnto (as you haue heard) by reason of the rebellion of Perkin War|becke, who was fled before the kings comming, he staied a few daies about the examination of the said rebellion, and the executing of the chiefe and princi|pall capteins. In the end, the multitude of the offen|dors being great,All Perkins partakers in their shirts with halters about their necks app [...] before the king and most humblie crauing for par|don, the king caused them all to be assembled in the churchyard of saint Peters, where they all appeared bare headed, in their shirts, and with halters about their necks. His grace was then lodged in the trea|surors house, lieng fast vpon the churchyard, and out of a faire and large window (made for the purpose) he tooke the view of them, who shouted and cried out for pardon. At length, when the king had paused, hee made a speach vnto them, exhorting them to obedi|ence, and in hope he should thencefoorth find them du|tifull, he pardoned them all: whereat they all made a great sh [...]ut, gaue the king thanks, and hurled a|waie their halters. Yet neuerthelesse, some returned againe, and ioined themselues with the Cornish peo|ple, which had not all submitted themselues, nor sought for pardon.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Now while he remained at Excester, he considered with himselfe, that he had doone nothing, if he could not get into his hands the chiefe head of this trouble and seditious businesse. Wherefore he caused the sanctuarie wherein Perkin was inclosed,Perkin in sanctuarie assaulted. to be inui|roned with two bands of light horssemen, to watch diligentlie, that Perkin should not escape by anie meanes foorth of that place vntaken: and withall at|tempted by faire promises of pardon and forgiuenes, if Perkin would submit himselfe to him and become his man. Perkin perceiuing himselfe so shut vp,Perkin sub|mitteth hi [...]|selfe to the king, and is streictlie séene [...]. that he could no waie escape, of his owne free will came out of the sanctuarie, and committed himselfe to the kings pleasure. When the king had thus atchiued his purpose, he returned to London, and appointed certeine keepers to attend on Perkin, which should not (the bredth of a naile) go from his person; least he should conueie himselfe by anie meanes out of EEBO page image 785 the land [and set new troubles abroth by such prac|tises as he had to fore vsed, for the aduancement of himselfe to the estate of a king, by assuming vnto himselfe the name of a kings sonne when in déed hee was come of base parentage. But Iacke will bee a gentleman, the long eared asse will be taken for a leopard, & the pelting p [...]ire for a lion as one saith:
M Pal. in Virg.Nunc se asinus pardum vocat & formic [...] leonem.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this, the king caused inquiries to be made, of all such as had aided with men or monie the Cor|nish rebels, so that diuerse persons as well in Sum|mersetshire as Deuonshire were detected of that of|fense which he minded for example [...]ake should tast some part of due punishments for their [...]imes, ac|cording to the qualitie thereof. And therefore he ap|pointed Thomas lord Darcie,Cõmissioners appointed for [...]essing of their [...]ines that fauoured the Cornish rebels. Amisse Pa [...]le [...] knight, and Robert Sherborne deane of P [...]ules (that was after bishop of Chichester) to be commissioners for as|sessing of their sines that were found culpable. These commissioners so b [...]stirred themselues, in tossing the coffers and substance of all the inhabitants of both those shires, that there was not one person imbrued or spotted with the filth of that abhominable crime, that escaped the paine which he had deserued: but to such yet as offended rather by constreint than of ma|lice, they were gentle and fauourable, so that equitie therein was verie well and iustlie executed.