Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About the same time, king Henrie receiued the ambassadors that were sent to him from the French king, and had béene staied at Douer, till the Cornish rebels were vanquished and subdued. Also the lord of Camphire, and other oratours of Philip archduke of Austrich, and duke of Burgognie came to him for the conclusion of amitie, and to haue the English merchants to resort againe to their countrie. Which request being verie agréeable to the quietnesse and wealth of his realme, and especiallie at that time,The English merchants re|ceiued into Antwerpe with generall procession. he did fauourablie grant and agrée vnto. And so did the Englishmen resort againe into the archdukes domi|nions, and were receiued into Antwerpe with gene|rall procession: so glad was that towne of their re|turne. Shortlie after the concluding of the truce be|tweene England and Scotland,Perkin is faine to pack [...] out of Scot|land. Perkin Warbecke being willed of the king of Scots to depart out of the Scotish dominions, sailed with his wife and fa|milie into Ireland, there determining with himselfe either to repaire into Flanders to his first setter vp the duches of Burgognie, or else ioine and take part with the Cornishmen.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But howsoeuer it came to passe, whilest he laie in Ireland, he had knowledge from the Cornishmen, that they were readie to renew the warre againe. Wherevpon he minding not to let passe so fai [...]e an occasion, hauing with him foure small ships,Perkin War|beck arriueth in Cornwall. and not aboue six score men, sailed into Cornewall; and there landed in the moneth of September, and came to a towne called Bodman, and there did so prouoke the wauering people, what with faire words and large promises, that he gathered to him aboue thrée thou|sand persons, which immediatlie called him their capteine, promising to take his part, and follow him to the death. Then Perkin well incouraged,Another re|bellion by the Cornishmen. made proclamations in the name of king Richard the fourth, as sonne to king Edward the fourth. And by the aduise of his three councellors,Perkins thrée councellors. Iohn Heron mer|cer a bankrupt, Richard Skelton a tailor, and Iohn Astelie a scriuener determined first of all to assaie the winning of Excester.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Then hasting thither, he laid siege to it, and wan|ting ordinance to make batterie,Excester as [...]saulted by Perkin & the Cornishmen. studied all waies possible how to breake the gates, and what with cast|ing of stones, heauing with iron barres, and kindling EEBO page image 784 of fire vnder the gates, he omitted nothing that could be deuised for the furtherance of his purpose. The ci|tizens, perceiuing in what danger they stood, first let certeine messengers downe by cords ouer the wall, that might certifie the king of their necessitie & trou|ble. And herewith taking vnto them boldnesse of cou|rage, determined to repell fire with fire, and caused fagots to be brought and laid to the inward parts of the gates, and set them all on fire; to the intent that the fire being inflamed on both sides the gates, might as well keepe out their enimies from entring,The citie of Excester pre|serued from fire by fire. as shut in the citizens from fléeing out, and that they in the meane season might make trenches and ram|pires to defend their enimies in stéed of gates and bulworks. Thus by fire was the citie preserued from fire.