Compare 1577 edition: 1 For suddenlie a deadlie burning sweat so assai|led their bodies,The swea|ting sicke|nesse. and distempered their bloud with a most ardent heat, that scarse one amongst an hun|dred that sickened did escape with life: for all in ma|ner as soone as the sweat tooke them, or within a short time after, yéelded the ghost. Beside the great number which deceassed within the citie of London, two maiors successiuelie died within eight daies and sir aldermen. At length, by the diligent obseruation of those that escaped (which marking what things had EEBO page image 764 doone them good, and holpen to their deliuerance, vsed the like againe. When they fell into the same disease, the second or third time, as to diuerse it chanced, a remedie was found for that mortall maladie, which was this.A remedie for the sweating sickenesse. If a man on the day time were taken with the sweat, then should he streight lie downe with all his clothes and garments, and continue in his sweat foure and twentie houres, after so moderate a sort as might be.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 If in the night he chanced to be taken, then should he not rise out of his bed for the space of foure and twentie houres, so casting the clothes that he might in no wise prouoke the sweat, but lie so temperatlie, that the water might distill out softlie of the owne accord, and to absteine from all meat if he might so long suffer hunger, and to take no more drinke nei|ther hotnor cold, than would moderatelie quench and asswage his thirstie appetite. Thus with lukewarme drinke, temperate heate, and measurable cloaths manie escaped: few which vsed this order (after it was found out) died of that sweat. Marie one point diligentlie aboue all other in this cure is to be obser|ued, that he neuer did put his hand or feet out of the bed to refresh or coole himselfe, which to doo is no lesse ieopardie than short and present death. Thus this dis|ease comming in the first yeare of king Henries reigne, was iudged (of some) to be a token and signe of a troublous reigne of the same king, as the proofe partlie afterwards shewed it selfe.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king re|quested a prest of six thousand markes.The king standing in néed of monie to discharge such debts, and to mainteine such port as was be|houefull, sent the lord treasuror with maister Regi|nald Braie, and others, vnto the lord maior of Lon|don, requiring of the citie a prest of six thousand marks. Wherevpon the said lord maior and his bre|thren, with the commons of the citie, granted a prest of two thousand pounds, which was leuied of the companies, and not of the wards: and in the yeare next insuing, it was well and trulie againe repaid e|uerie penie, to the good contentation and satisfieng of them that disbursed it. The king considering that the suertie of his roiall estate and defense of the realme consisted chéefelie in good lawes and ordinances to be had and obserued among his people,A parlement summoned & new lawes for the com|monwealth enacted. summoned eft|soones his high court of parlement, therein to deuise and establish some profitable acts and statutes, for the wealth and commoditie of his people.