Compare 1577 edition: 1 There happened in this progression to the earle of Richmond a strange chance worthie to be noted.A strange chance that happened to the earle of Richmond. For albeit he was a man of valiant courage, & that his armie increased, and dailie more and more he waxed mightier and stronger; yet he was not a litle afeard, bicause he could in no wise be assured of his father in law Thomas lord Stanleie, which for feare of the de|struction of the lord Strange his sonne (as you haue heard) as yet inclined to neither partie. For if he had gone to the earle, and that notified to king Richard, his sonne had béene shortlie executed. Wherefore he accompanied with twentie light horssemen lingered in his iournie, as a man musing & imagining what was best to be doone. And the more to aggrauate his pensiuenesse, it was shewed him, that king Richard was at hand with a strong power & a great armie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 While he thus heauilie dragged behind his host, the whole armie came before the towne of Tam|woorth; and when he for the deepe darknesse could not perceiue the steps of them that passed on before, and had wandered hither & thither, séeking after his com|panie, and yet not once hearing anie noise or whispe|ring of them; he turned to a verie little village, be|ing about thrée miles from his armie,The earle of Richmond put to [...] shift. taking great thought, and much fearing least he should be espied, and so trapped by king Richards scoutwatch. There EEBO page image 755 he taried all night, not once aduenturing to aske or demand a question of any creature, he being no more amazed with the ieopardie & perill that was passed, than with this present chance, sore feared that it shuld be a prognostication or signe of some infortunate plage afterward to succeed. As he was not merie be|ing absent from his armie, so likewise his armie much maruelled, and no lesse mourned for his sudden absence.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The next morning earlie in the dawning of the day he returned, and by the conduct of good fortune, espied and came to his armie, excusing himselfe not to haue gone out of the way by ignorance: but that for a policie (deuised for the nonce) he went from his campe to receiue some glad message from certeine of his priuie fréends and secret alies. This excuse made, he priuilie departed againe from his host to the towne of Aderston,T [...]e lord Stanleie, the earle of Rich|mond, & others [...], embrace, and consult. where the lord Stanleie and sir Willi|am his brother with their bands were abiding. There the erle came first to his father in law, in a litle close, where he saluted him, and sir William his brother: and after diuerse and fréendlie imbracings, each re|ioised of the state of other, and suddenlie were surpri|sed with great ioy, comfort, and hope of fortunate successe in all their affaires and dooings. Afterward they consulted togither how to giue battell to king Richard if he would abide, whome they knew not to be farre off with an huge host.