Compare 1577 edition: 1 But when this craftie dissembler Peter Landoise, which was no wilier than an old fox,Pe [...]er Lan|doise his ex|pectation dis|appointed by the priuie and vnknowne de|parting of the earle. perceiued that the earle was departed (thinking that to be true that he imagined) Lord how currors ran into euerie coast! how light horssemen gallopped in euerie street! to follow and deteine him, if by anie possibilitie hee could be met with and ouertaken, and him to appre|hend and bring captiue into the citie of Uannes. The horssemen made such diligence, and with such celeri|tie set forward their iournie, that nothing was more likelie than they to haue obteined, yea and seized their preie. For the earle of Richmond was not en|tered into the realme of France scarse one houre, but the followers came to the limits and confines of Britaine, and durst aduenture no further, but vainlie (without their desire) sorrowfullie returned.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 At which season were left at Uannes about the number of three hundred Englishmen, which not be|ing called to counsell, and vnware of this enterprise, but knowing of the earles sudden departure, were so incontinentlie astonied, that in maner they were all in despaire, both of him, and their owne suertie and safegard. But fortune turned his saile, and otherwise it happened than their feare them incumbered. For the duke of Britaine,The duke of Britains [...] to the earle of Richmond, & the care of [...] safetie. now being somewhat recoue|red, was sore displeased, and nothing contented, that the earle of Richmond was in his dominion so vn|courteouslie vsed and intreated, that he should be by fraud and vntruth compelled to leaue and flie out of his duchie and countrie, contrarie to his honour. Wherfore he tooke verie great displeasure with Pe|ter Landoise his treasuror, to whome (although he knew not, and was ignorant that all the drift was driuen and deuised by him) he laid the fault, and impu|ted the crime.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon he sent for Edward Wooduile,Edw. Wood|uile & Edward Poinings re|ceiue monie [...] the duke for ye earles condu [...] and his co [...]|panie. and Edward Poinings, valiant esquiers of England, and deliuered vnto them monie sufficient for their conduct, willing them to conueie the rest of the Eng|lishmen being in Britaine, to the erle of Richmonds presence. When the earle was thus furnished, and ap|pointed with his trustie companie, and was escaped all the dangers, labirinths, and snares that were set for him: no maruell though he were iocund and glad of the prosperous successe that happened in his affaires. Wherefore, least he should séeme to be blot|ted with the note of ingratitude, he sent diuerse of his gentlemen to the duke of Britaine, the which should publish and declare to him on the behalfe of the earle, that he and his were onelie by his benefit and fauour conserued and deliuered from the immi|nent danger that they were like to be trapped in. Wherefore at that time he rendered vnto him his most hartie thanks in words, trusting and not doub|ting, but in time to come liberallie to recompense him with acts and déeds.