Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Richmond suspecting their flattering request to be but a fraud (as it was in déed) after he perceiued none of his ships to appeare in sight, he weied vp his anchors, halsed vp his sailes, & hauing a prosperous and streinable wind, and a fresh gale sent euen by God to deliuer him from that perill and ieopardie, arriued safe and in all securitie in the du|chie of Normandie, where he (to refresh and solace his soldiers and people) tooke his recreation by the space of thrée daies,The earle ar|riueth in Normandie & passeth by land into Bri|taine againe. and cléerelie determined with part of his companie to passe all by land againe into Bri|taine. And in the meane season he sent ambassadors to the French king, called Charles the eight, which newlie succéeded his father king Lewes the ele|uenth, not long before departed to God, requiring of him a safe conduct and licence to passe thorough his countrie of Normandie into Britaine.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Charles the [...]. of France his beneuo|lence to the earle of Rich|mond.This yoong king, hauing compassion of the misfor|tune of the earle of Richmond, not onelie gentlie granted and assigned to him a pasport; but also libe|rallie disbursed to him a great summe of monie for his conduct and expenses necessarie in his long iour|nie and passage. But the earle trusting in the French kings humanitie, aduentured to send his ships home into Britaine, and to set forward himselfe by land on his iournie, making no great hast till his messen|gers were returned. Which being with that benefit so comforted, and with hope of prosperous successe so in|couraged, marched towards Britaine with all dili|gence, intending there to consult further with his lo|uers & fréends of his affaires and enterprises. When he was returned againe into Britaine, he was cer|tified by credible information, that the duke of Buc|kingham had lost his head; and that the marquesse Dorset, and a great number of noble men of Eng|land, had a little before inquired and searched for him there, and were now returned to Uannes.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The earle la|menteth and reioiseth.When he had heard these newes thus reported, he first sorowed and lamented his first attempt and set|ting forward of his fréends, and in especiall of the no|bilitie, not to haue more fortunatelie succéeded. Se|condarilie, he reioised on the other part, that God had sent him so manie valiant and prudent capteins to be his companions in his martiall enterprises, trusting suerlie and nothing doubting in his owne o|pinion, but that all his businesse should be wiselie compassed, and brought to a good conclusion. Where|fore he determining with all diligence to set forward his new begun businesse, departed to Rheims, and sent certeine of his priuie seruitours to conduct and bring the marquesse and other noble men to his pre|sence. When they knew that he was safelie returned into Britaine, Lord how they reioised! for before that time they missed him, and knew not in what part of the world to make inquirie or search for him. For they doubted and no lesse feared least he had ta|ken land in England, & fallen into the hands of king Richard, in whose person they knew well was nei|ther mercie nor compassion.