¶In this yeare Edmund Shaw goldsmith and ma|ior of London newlie builded Creplegate from the foundation, which gate in old time had bene a prison, Abr. Fl. ex I.S. pag. 749. Creplegate builded. wherevnto such citizens and other as were arrested for debt (or like trespasses) were committed, as they be now to the counters, as maie appeare by a writ of king Edward the second, in these words: Rex vic' London salutem. Records. Ex graui querela capti & detenti in prisona nostra de Creplegate, pro x li. quas coram Radulpho Sandwi|co, tunc custode ciuitatis nostrae London, & I. de Blackewell custode recognit. debitorum, &c. King Edward held his Christmas at Eltham, and kept his estate all the whole feast in his great chamber; and the quéene in hir chamber, where were dailie more than two thou|sand persons. The same yeare on Candlemas day, he with his quéene went on procession from saint Ste|phans chappell into Westminster hall, accompanied with the earle of Angus, the lord Greie, & sir Iames Liddall, ambassadors from Scotland. And at his pro|céeding out of his chamber he made sir Iohn Wood vnder-treasuror of England, & sir William Cates|bie one of the iustices of the õcmon plées, knights.]
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But to returne to the kings affaires concerning Scotland. The roiall armie aforesaid, Anno reg. 23. 1483 not intending to lose time, came suddenlie by the water side to the towne of Berwike, and there (what with force, and what with feare of so great an armie) tooke and ente|red the towne: but the earle of Bothwell,Berwike woone by the Englishmen. being cap|teine of the castell, would in no wise deliuer it; wher|fore the capteins, vpon good and deliberate aduise, planted a strong siege round about it. When this siege was laid, the two dukes and all the other soul|diers EEBO page image 706 (except the lord Stanleie, sir Iohn Eldrington treasuror of the kings house, sir William a Parre, and foure thousand men that were left behind to keepe the siege before the castell) departed from Ber|wike toward Edenburgh; and in marching thither|ward, they burnt and destroied manie townes and hastiles. King Iames hauing small confidence in his communaltie, and lesse trust in his nobilitie, kept himselfe within the castell of Edenburgh.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Glocester entered into the towne, and at the especiall desire of the duke of Albanie saued the towne, and the inhabitants from fire, bloud, and spoile, taking onelie of the merchants, such presents as they gentlie offered to him and his capteins, cau|sing Gartier principall king at armes to make a publike proclamation at the high crosse in the mar|ket place of Edenburgh; by the which he warned and admonished king Iames, to kéepe, obserue, and per|forme, all such promises, compacts, couenants, and agreements, as he had concluded and sealed with the king of England, and also to make suffi|cient recompense vnto his subiects, for the tyran|nie, spoile, and crueltie which he and his people had committed and doone, contrarie to the league, within the marches of his realme of England, before the first daie of August next insuing: and further with|out delaie to restore his brother the duke of Albanie to his estate, & all his possessions, offices, and authori|ties, in as large maner as he occupied & inioied the same before. Or else the duke of Glocester, lieute|nant generall for the king of England, was readie at hand to destroie him, his people, and countries, with slaughter, flame, and famine.