Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After the regaining of Burdeaux, there arriued at Blaie the bastard of Summerset, sir Iohn Talbot, lord Lisle by his wife, sonne to the said erle of Shrew|esburie, the lord Molins, the lord Harington, the lord Camois, sir Iohn Howard, sir Iohn Montgomerie, sir Iohn Uernon, with two & twentie hundred men, with vittels and munitions. When the earle was thus (according to his intent) of all things furnished, first he fortified Burdeaux with Englishmen, and store of vittels; and after that he rode into the coun|trie abroad, where he obteined cities, and got townes without stroke or dint of sword,The French people soone wearie of the French go|uernment. for the people alrea|die wearied of the French seruitude, and longing sore to returne to the English libertie, seemed to de|sire nothing more than to haue the earle to receiue them into the English obeisance. Amongst other townes, the towne and castell of Chastillon in Pe|rigort was to him deliuered, the which he fortified with men and ordinance verie stronglie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the meane time, the French king, being aduer|tised of all these dooings, raised an armie to resist this inuasion made by the erle of Shrewesburie. And first he appointed his capteins to besiege the towne of Chastillon, to the rescue whereof the earle hasted for|ward, hauing in his companie eight hundred horsse|men, vnder the leading of his sonne the lord Lisle, the lord Molins, the lord Camois, sir Edward Hull, sir Iohn Howard, and sir Iohn Uernon. He appointed also fiue thousand footmen, vnder the conduct of the earle of Kendall, and the lord de Lespar, to follow him with all spéed. In his waie, he tooke by fine force a tower which the Frenchmen had taken, and slue all that he found within it. And after by the waie, he met fiue hundred Frenchmen going a foraging, of whome he slue the more part, and chased the other to the campe.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen that laie at the siege, perceiuing by those good runners away that the earle approched, left the siege, and retired in good order into the place which they had trenched, diched, and fortified with ordi|nance. The earle aduertised how the siege was re|moued, hasted forward towards his enimies, doub|ting most, least they would haue béene quite fled and gone before his comming. But they fearing the dis|pleasure of the French king (who was not far off) if they should haue fled, abode the earles comming,The valiant earle of Shre|wesburie and his son [...] fullie slaine. and so receiued him: who though he first with manfull courage, and sore fighting wan the entrie of their campe; yet at length they compassed him about, and shooting him through the thigh with an handgun, slue his horsse, and finallie killed him lieng on the ground, whome they durst neuer looke in the face, while he stood on his féet.