15.1. The tenor of the duke of Yorks submis|sion to king Henrie, vnder his oth.
The tenor of the duke of Yorks submis|sion to king Henrie, vnder his oth.
_I Richard duke of Yorke confesse and beknow, that I am & ought to be humble subiect and liege|man to you my souereigne lord king Henrie the sixt, and owe therefore to beare you faith and truth, as to my soue|reigne liege lord, and shall doo all daies vn|to my liues end; and shall not at anie time will or assent, that any thing attempted or doone against your most noble person: but where so euer I shall haue knowledge of anie such thing imagined or purposed, I shall with all speed and diligence possible to me, make that your highnesse shall haue knowledge thereof: and ouer that, doo all that shall be possible to me, to the withstan|ding and let thereof, to the vttermost of EEBO page image 640 my life. I shall not anie thing take vpon me against your roiall estate or obeisance that is due thereto, nor suffer anie other man to doo, as farre foorth as it shall be in my power to let it: and also shall come at your commandement when so euer I shall be called by the same, in humble and obei|sant wise: but if I be letted by anie sicke|nesse or impotence of my person, or by such other cause as shall be thought by you my souereigne lord reasonable. I shall neuer hereafter take vpon me to gather anie rout, nor to make anie assemblie of your people, without your commandement or licence, or in my lawfull defense. In inter|pretation or declaration of the which my lawfull defense, I shall report me at all times to your highnesse, and if the case re|quire, to my peeres; nor any thing attempt against anie of your subiects, of what e|state, degree, or condition that they be. But when so euer I find my selfe wronged and agreeued, I shall sue humblie for remedie to your highnesse: and proceed after the course of your lawes, and in none other|wise: sauing in mine owne lawfull defense in maner aboue said, and otherwise haue to your highnesse as an humble and true sub|iect ought to haue him to his souereigne lord.
All these things aboue said I promise you trulie to obserue and keepe, by the ho|lie euangelists conteined in the booke that I laie my hand herevpon, and by the holie crosse I here touch, and by the blessed sa|crament of our Lords bodie, that I shall now with his mercie receiue. And ouer I agree me and will, that if I anie time here|after, as by the grace of our Lord God I neuer shall, anie thing attempt by waie of feat or otherwise against your roiall maie|stie, and obeisance that I owe therto, or a|nie thing take vpon me otherwise than is aboue expressed, I from that time foorth be vnabled, held, and taken as an vntrue and openlie forsworne man, and vnable to all maner of worship, estate, and degree, be it such as I now occupie, or anie other that might in anie wise grow vnto me hereaf|ter. And this I haue here promised and sworne, proceedeth of mine owne desire and free voluntee, and by no constraining or co-action. In witnesse of all the which things aboue written, I Richard duke of Yorke (aboue named) subscribe with mine owne hand and seale.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 31. 1453The councell not forgetting the offer of the Gas|coignes, and that they might now haue the citie of Burdeaux, with the countrie round about, by request of the inhabitants, appointed the valiant capteine Iohn lord Talbot earle of Shrewesburie, to go thi|ther with an armie, who arriuing in the Ile of Ma|dre, passed foorth with his power, being scant thrée thousand men, and tooke the strong towne of Fron|sacke, and diuerse other townes & fortresses. The in|habitants of Burdeaux, hearing of the earles arri|uall, sent to him messengers in the darke night, requi|ring him with all spéed to come and receiue the citie. The earle lost not one houre, but hasted foorth, & came before that citie, yer the Frenchmen within vnder|stood anie thing of the citizens purpose. When they were aduertised that there was a gate set open for the Englishmen to enter, they thought to haue esca|ped secretlie by a posterne: but they were pursued, slaine, and taken by the lord de Lespar, and other of the English armie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After the regaining of Burdeaux, there arriued at Blaie the bastard of Summerset, sir Iohn Talbot, lord Lisle by his wife, sonne to the said erle of Shrew|esburie, the lord Molins, the lord Harington, the lord Camois, sir Iohn Howard, sir Iohn Montgomerie, sir Iohn Uernon, with two & twentie hundred men, with vittels and munitions. When the earle was thus (according to his intent) of all things furnished, first he fortified Burdeaux with Englishmen, and store of vittels; and after that he rode into the coun|trie abroad, where he obteined cities, and got townes without stroke or dint of sword,The French people soone wearie of the French go|uernment. for the people alrea|die wearied of the French seruitude, and longing sore to returne to the English libertie, seemed to de|sire nothing more than to haue the earle to receiue them into the English obeisance. Amongst other townes, the towne and castell of Chastillon in Pe|rigort was to him deliuered, the which he fortified with men and ordinance verie stronglie.