Compare 1577 edition: 1 The quéene, which intierlie loued the duke, doub|ting some commotion and trouble to arise, if he were let go vnpunished,The duke of Suffolke cõ|mitted to the Tower. caused him for a colour to be com|mitted to the Tower: where he remained not past a moneth, but was againe deliuered and restored to the kings fauour, as much as euer he was before. This dooing so much displeased the people, that if po|litike prouision had not béene, great mischeefe had im|mediatlie insued. For the commons in sundrie pla|ces of the realme assembled togither in great compa|nies,Blewbeard capteine of the rebels. and chose to them a capteine, whome they called Blewbeard: but yer they had attempted anie enter|prise, their leaders were apprehended; & so the mat|ter pacified without anie hurt committed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this outrage thus asswaged, the parlement was adiourned to Leicester, whither came the king and quéene in great estate, and with them the duke of Suffolke as chéefe councellour. The commons of the lower house, not forgetting their old grudge, be|sought the king, that such persons as assented to the release of Aniou, and deliuerance of Maine, might be dulie punished. And to be priuie to that fact, they accused as principall, the duke of Suffolke, with Iohn bishop of Salisburie, and sir Iames Fines, lord Saie, and diuerse others. When the king percei|ued that there was no remedie to appease the peoples furie by anie colourable waies, shortlie to pacifie so long an hatred, he first sequestred the lord Saie be|ing treasuror of England, and other the dukes adhe|rents from their offices and roomes, and after bani|shed the duke of Suffolke, as the abhorred rode and common noiance of the whole realme, for tearme of fiue yeares, meaning by this exile to appease the ma|lice of the people for the time, and after (when the matter should be forgotten) to reuoke him home a|gaine.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But Gods iustice would not that so vngratious a person should so escape: for when he shipped in Suf|folke, intending to transport himselfe ouer into France, he was incountered with a ship of warre, apperteining to the duke of Excester, constable of the Tower of London, called the Nicholas of the Tower. The capteine of that barke with small fight entered into the dukes ship, and perceiuing his per|son present,The wret|ched death of the duke of Suffolke. brought him to Douer road, and there on the one side of a cocke bote caused his head to be striken off, and left his bodie with the head lieng there on the sands. Which corps being there found by a chapleine of his, was conueied to Wingfield col|lege in Suffolke, and there buried. This end had William de la Poole duke of Suffolke, as men iudge by Gods prouidence; for that he had procured the death of that good duke of Glocester, as before is partlie touched.