Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane season the king of England sent into Normandie (with a new supplie of a thousand fiue hundred men) a right valiant capteine called sir Thomas Kiriell,Sir Thomas Kiriell with a new band in|to France. who ioining himselfe with other English capteins recouered the townes of Lisieux and Ualongnes, and hauing with him power suffici|ent (as he tooke it) to kéepe the fields, he departed the twelfe of Aprill from Ualongnes, meaning to passe towards Baieux, and after to Caen. But the eigh|téenth daie of the same moneth, he was incountred at a place called Formignie betwixt Carenten and Baieux, by the earle of Cleremont, & other French|men with Scots. At the first onset, the Englishmen receiued their enimies with such manhood, that the Frenchmen were driuen backe, and the English|men tooke from them two culuerings.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But yet in the end, by the comming of the con|stable of France, Arthur de Britaine earle of Rich|mond, who brought with him two hundred or twelue score men of armes, and an eight hundred archers or demilances, the Englishmen were discomfited, put to flight,The English men ouer|throwne at Formignie. and slaine, to the number of three thousand, seauen hundred, three score and thirtéene, as Engue|rant noteth, beside prisoners, of whome there were di|uerse personages of accompt, as the said sir Thomas Kiriell himselfe, sir Henrie Norberie, sir Thomas Drew, sir Thomas Kirklie, Christopher Auberton, Arpell, Helice, Alengour, Iennequin, Uacquier, Go|bart, Caleuille, and sundrie other. Sir Robert Ueer, and sir Matthew Or rather Goche. Gough that valiant Welshman, and manie other escaped so well as they might, some to Baieux, some to Caen, and other to other places as best they could.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 After this ouerthrow obteined, the French king assembled an armie roiall, and comming before Ca|en,Caen besieged and yéelded to ye French. besieged it on all sides: and after making his ap|proches, fiercelie assalted the walles. But the duke of Summerset, and the other capteins within the towne, manfullie withstood their enimies, shewing both force and great policie in defending and beat|ing backe the assailants. The French king, percei|uing he could not preuaile that waie, sent for all his great ordinance to Paris, which being brought, he dailie shot at the wals, and did some hurt: but to the castell which stood on a rocke, and in it a dungeon vn|able to be beaten downe, he did no harme at all.