Compare 1577 edition:
1 For after
that the French king had giuen sum|mons to the citie, the inhabitants streightwaies did not onelie deuise
which waie they might betraie the citie, but also put on armor, and rebelled openlie against their capteins:
who perceiuing the vntruth of them, and their owne danger, retired into the castell or palace, where (for a
certeine space) with arrowes & handguns they sore molested the vntrue citizens. But at length,
Harflue be|sieged. Sir Thomas Curson.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The Frenchmen, following the successe in hand, came to Harflue, and fiercelie assaulted the walles: but by the high prowesse and vndanted valiancie of the capteine, sir Thomas Curson, they were to their EEBO page image 630 great losse manfullie by him repelled, and beaten. The Frenchmen learning wit by this great perill, left their scaling, and deuised dailie how to batter the walles, & make the breaches reasonable for them to enter. This siege long continued to the great losse of both parties.Harflue yéel|ded to the French. When sir Thomas Curson saw no like|lihood of gaine, but great appéerance of present losse, he fell at composition with the enimies, and so departed with all his goods. After which towne ren|dered, Anno Reg. 28. the fortresse of Hunflue was vpon like com|position yeelded. And beside these townes surrendred in Normandie, the duke of Britaine recouered a|gaine Fougiers, saint Iames de Beuuron, and di|uerse other.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane season the king of England sent into Normandie (with a new supplie of a thousand fiue hundred men) a right valiant capteine called sir Thomas Kiriell,Sir Thomas Kiriell with a new band in|to France. who ioining himselfe with other English capteins recouered the townes of Lisieux and Ualongnes, and hauing with him power suffici|ent (as he tooke it) to kéepe the fields, he departed the twelfe of Aprill from Ualongnes, meaning to passe towards Baieux, and after to Caen. But the eigh|téenth daie of the same moneth, he was incountred at a place called Formignie betwixt Carenten and Baieux, by the earle of Cleremont, & other French|men with Scots. At the first onset, the Englishmen receiued their enimies with such manhood, that the Frenchmen were driuen backe, and the English|men tooke from them two culuerings.