Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 [...] The frost was so extreame this yeare, beginning about the fiue and twentith daie of Nouember, and continuing till the tenth of Februarie, that the ships with merchandize arriuing at the Thames mouth, could not come vp the riuer: so their lading there faine to be discharged, was brought to the cit [...]e by land. After the death of that noble prince the duke of Bedford, the bright sunne in France toward Eng|lishmen, began to be cloudie, and dailie to darken, the Frenchmen began not onelie to withdrawe their obedience by oth to the king of England, but also tooke sword in hand & openlie rebelled. Howbeit all these mishaps could not anie thing abash the vali|ant courages of the English people: for they hauing no mistrust in God and good fortune,The duke of Yorke made regent of France. set vp a new saile, began the warre afresh, and appointed for re|gent in France, Richard duke of Yorke, sonne to Richard earle of Cambridge.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Although the duke of Yorke was worthie (both for birth and courage) of this honor and preferment, yet so disdeined of Edmund duke of Summerset being cousine to the king, that by all means possible he sought his hinderance, as one glad of his losse, and sorie of his well dooing: by reason whereof, yer the duke of Yorke could get his dispatch, Paris and di|uerse other of the cheefest places in France were gotten by the French king. The duke of Yorke per|ceiuing his euill will, openlie dissembled that which he inwardlie minded, either of them working things to the others displeasure, till through malice & diuisi|on betwéene them, at length by mortall warre they were both consumed, with almost all their whole lines and ofspring.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Normans of the countrie of Caux, being heartened by the death of the duke of Bedford, began a new rebellion, slue diuerse Englishmen, robbed manie townes that were vnder the English obei|sance, and tooke the towne of Harflue by assault, and diuerse other townes. But the lord regent being ad|uertised, sent foorth the lord Scales, sir Thomas Ki|riell, and the lord Hoo, which so afflicted those rebels of Caux, that they slue aboue fiue thousand persons, and burnt all the townes and villages in the countrie, not being walled: so that in that part was neither habitation nor tillage, for all the people fled into Bri|taine, and all the beasts of the countrie were brought to Caudebecke, where a good sheepe was sold for an English penie, and a Cow for twelue pence. Dailie was skirmishing and fighting in euerie part, in so much that the lord Scales at the Rie beside Rone, discomfited the Hire, and fiftéene hundred valiant Frenchmen; of the which, aboue thrée hundred were taken prisoners, beside the gaine of seauen faire coursers.