Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Then their hearts began to faint, and they fled,Great losse on ye English side The lords Talbot, Scales, and Hungerford taken. in which flight were slaine aboue twelue hundred, and fortie taken, of whome the lord Talbot, the lord Scales, the lord Hungerford, & sir Thomas Ramp|ston were chéefe. Diuerse archers, after they had shot all their arrowes, hauing onelie their swords, defen|ded themselues, and with helpe of some of their hors|men came safe to Mehun. This ouerthrow, and spe|ciallie the taking of the lord Talbot, did not so much reioise the Frenchmen; but it did as much abash the Englishmen: so that immediatlie therevpon, the townes of Ienuile, Mehun, Fort, and diuerse other, returned from the English part, and became French. From this battell departed without anie stroke stri|ken sir Iohn Fastolfe, the same yeare for his vali|antnesse elected into the order of the garter. But for doubt of misdealing at this brunt, the duke of Bed|ford tooke from him the image of saint George, and his garter; though afterward by meanes of freends, and apparant causes of good excuse, the same were to him againe deliuered against the mind of the lord Talbot.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Charles the Dolphin that called himselfe French K. perceiuing fortune to smile thus vpon him, assem|bled a great power, and determined to conquer the citie of Reimes that he might be there sacred, crow|ned, and annointed, according to the custome of his progenitours, that all men might iudge that he was by all lawes and decrees a iust and lawfull king. In his waie thitherwards he besieged the citie of Au|xerre, the citizens whereof compounded with him to yéeld, if they were not rescued within certeine daies. From thence he came before Trois, and after twelue daies siege had that citie deliuered vnto him, by com|position, that the capteine sir Philip Hall (with his people and moueables) might depart in safetie. Af|ter that Trois was yéelded, the communaltie of Chaalons rebelled against sir Iohn Aubemond their capteine, and constreined him to deliuer the towne vpon like composition. In semblable manner did they of Reimes, desiring him to giue safe conduct to all the Englishmen safelie to depart. When Reimes EEBO page image 602 was thus become French, the foresaid Charles the Dolphin in the presence of the dukes of Lorraine and Barre, and of all the noble men of his faction, was sacred there king of France by the name of Charles the seauenth,The French king crowned. with all rites and ceremonies thereto belonging. They of Auxerre, when the terme of their appointment was expired, submitted themselues to him; and so likewise did all the cities and townes ad|ioining.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Bedford aduertised of all these dooings, assembled his power about him, and hauing togither ten thousand good Englishmen (beside Normans) departed out of Paris in warlike fashion, & passing thorough Brie to Monstreau fault Yonne, sent by his herald Bedford, letters to the French king, si|gnifieng to him; that where he had (contrarie to the finall conclusion accorded betwéene his noble bro|ther K. Henrie the fift, & king Charles the sixt, father to him that was the vsurper) by allurement of a di|uelish witch,Ione taken to be a witch. taken vpon him the name, title, & digni|tie of the king of France; and further had by mur|ther, stealing, craft, and deceitfull meanes, violent|lie gotten, and wrongfullie kept diuerse cities and townes belonging to the king of England his ne|phue; for proofe thereof he was come downe from Paris with his armie, into the countrie of Brie, by dint of sword and stroke of battell to prooue his wri|ting and cause true, willing his enimie to choose the place, and in the same he would giue him battell.