Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This roiall armie approched within two miles of Yurie. But when the duke of Alanson vnderstood by such as he had sent to view the conduict of the Eng|lishmen, that he could not get anie aduantage by as|sailing them (although the Dolphin had giuen him streict commandement to fight with the regent) he retired backe with his whole armie to the towne of Uernueill in Perch, that belonged to the king of England; sending word to the garrison, that he had discomfited the English armie, and that the regent with a small number with him by swiftnesse of horsse had saued himselfe.Uerneuil got|ten from the Englishmen by crediting a lie. The inhabitants of Uernueill, giuing too light cerdit herevnto receiued the duke of Alanson with all his armie into the towne.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the meane time came the daie of the rescues of Yurie, which for want thereof was deliuered to the duke of Bedford by the capteine called Gerard de la Pallier, who presenting vnto the duke of Bed|ford the keies of the castell shewed him a letter also signed and sealed with the hands and seales of eigh|téene great lords, who the daie before promised by the tenour of the same letter to giue the duke battell, and to raise the siege.
Well (said the duke) if their hearts would haue serued, their puissance was suffi|cient once to haue proffered, or to haue performed this faithfull promise: but sith they disdaine to seeke me, God and saint George willing, I shall not de|sist to follow the tract of their horsses till one part of vs be by battell ouerthrowne.And herewith he sent foorth the earle of Suffolke with six hundred horsse|men, to espie the dooings of the Frenchmen, and where they were lodged. The earle riding foorth, pas|sed by Dampuile, and came to Bretueill, where he heard certeine newes where the Frenchmen had gotten Uerneueill, and remained there still.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 These newes he sent by post vnto the duke of Bedford, the which incontinentlie vpon that aduer|tisement set forward in great hast towards his eni|mies. The Frenchmen hearing of his comming, set their people in arraie, and made all one maine bat|tell without fore ward or rere ward; and appointed foure hundred horssemen, Lombards and others to breake the arraie of the Englishmen, either behind,The ordering of their bat|tels. or at the sides, of the which was capteine sir Stephan de Uinoiles, called the Hire. The duke of Bedford likewise made one entier battell, and suffered no man to be on horssebacke, and set the archers (euerie one hauing a sharpe stake) both on the front of the battell, and also on the sides, like wings. And behind were all their horsses tied togither, either by the reins or by the tailes, with the carts and cariages, to the defense whereof were two thousand archers ap|pointed.