Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Englishmen remembring that Guilliam Re|mond, otherwise called Mariolaine had béen the lea|der of the souldiers within the towne (which Mario|laine before at Pacie was taken prisoner by sir Iohn Fastolfe) caused him to be brought from Pa|ris vnto the campe, and set him in a chariot with an halter about his necke, and conueied him to the gi|bet without the towne, sending word to them with|in, that if they would not without delaie render the towne, their capteine should incontinentlie be stran|gled afore their faces. Which moued the souldiers so much, by reason of the loue they bare to their old cap|teine and gouernour, that for the deliuerance of him and partlie of themselues they yéelded the towne, so that both he and they might depart with horsse and harnesse onelie in sure conduct and safetie. Yet yer this towne of Compiegne was deliuered, sir Philip Hall,Compeigne & Crotoie reco|uered from ye French. which was sent to Crotoie by the lord regent with eight hundred men to besiege it, got it suddenlie by assault, y [...]r the Frenchmen had either disposed their garrison, or appointed their lodgings
Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time sir Iohn de la Poole brother to the duke of Suffolke, being capteine of Auran|ches in Normandie, assembled all the garrisons of the base marches of the countrie of Aniou, and came before the citie of Angiers, burnt the suburbes, spoi|led and destroied the whole countrie; and hauing as manie prisoners as his men might go awaie with, he was incountered by the earle of Aumarle, the vi|count of Narbonne, and six thousand Frenchmen; which finding the Englishmen out of araie, incum|bred with carriage of their great spoile, suddenlie set on them, gaue them the ouerthrow, slue thrée hundred and tooke manie prisoners; as the said sir Iohn de la Poole, sir Iohn Basset, Iohn A [...]fort lieutenant of Faleise, Iohn Clitton, Henrie Mortimer, and other to the number of six hundred.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But though the Frenchmen got here in this place, they went not awaie with like gaine in an other: for the bastard de la Baulme, and the lord Craignar cap|teins of Courallon, with a great band made rode in|to Masconnois, whom by chance Matthew Or rather Goche. Gough and other Englishmen, which were also abroad in the countrie, met and incountred. There was a sore fight betwéene the parties, being of courage and number in maner equall. But after long conflict, the French|men almost all were slaine and taken, and the ba|stard being well horssed, fled; after whome followed vpon the spurres, Matthew Goche. Gough chasing him euen to his castell gate, and there tooke him: for the which act he was much praised of the erle of Salisbu|rie (to whom he presented the said bastard) and had not onelie the rights giuen him that belonged to the pri|soner, but also was rewarded with a goodlie courser at the earles hands.