Compare 1577 edition: 1 Of learned men and writers, these I find remem|bred by Bale and others, to haue liued in the daies of this noble and valiant king Henrie the fift. First, Alaine de Lin, borne in Lin, and professed a Car|melite frier in that towne, he at length became prior of that conuent, proceeded doctor of diuinitie in Cam|bridge, and wrote manie treatises; Thomas Otter|borne that wrote an historie of England, is thought to liue about this season, he was a Franciscan or graie frier, as they called them, a great student both in diuinitie and philosophie; Iohn Seguard an excel|lent poet, and a rhetorician, kept a schoole, and read to his scholers in Norwich, as is supposed, writing sundrie treatises, reproouing as well the profaning of the christian religion in monks and priests, as the abuse of poetrie in those that tooke vpon them to write filthie verses and rimes; Robert Rose a frier of the Carmelites order in Norwich commonlie cal|led the white friers, both an excellent philosopher, and diuine, procéeded doctor at Oxenford, promoted to be prior of his house, and writing diuerse treatises: a|mongst all the sophists of his time (as saith Bale) he offended none of the Wickleuists, who in that season set foorth purelie the word of God, as maie appeare by his workes.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, Iohn Lucke, a doctor of diuinitie in Oxenford, a sore enimie to the Wiekleuists; Richard Caister borne in Norfolke, vicar of saint Stephans in Norwich, a man of great holinesse and puritie in life, fauouring (though secretlie) the doctrine of the Wickleuists, and reproouing in his sermons, the vn|chast manners and filthie example that appeared in the cleargie. Of sir Iohn Oldcastell lord Cobham ye haue heard before; William Walleis a blacke frier in Lin, and prouinciall of his order here in Eng|land, W. P. made a booke of moralizations vpon Ouids Me|tamorphôseis, comparable to postils vpon Aesops Fables; Richard Snetisham, a student in Oxenford, where he profited so greatlie in learning and wise|dome, that he was accounted the chéefest in all that vniuersitie, in respect whereof he was made chancel|lor of the same, chosen also to be one of the twelue to examine and iudge vpon Wickliffes doctrine by the archbishop of Canturburie; Iohn Langdene a monke of Christes church in Canturburie, an other of those twelue; William Tailor a priest, and a ma|ster of art in Oxenford, a stedfast follower of Wic|kliffes doctrine, & burnt for the same in Smithfield at London, the second day of March, in the yeare of our Lord 1422, & last of king Henrie the fift his reigne.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Furthermore, Richard Grasdale student in Oxen|ford, one of those twelue also; William Lindwood a lawier excellentlie learned, as well in the ciuill as canon lawes, aduanced to the seruice of this king, and made by him kéeper of the priuie seale, sent in ambassage both to the kings of Spaine and Por|tingale, about businesse of most weightie impor|tance. It is said that he was promoted to the bishop|rike of saint Dauid; Bartholomew Florarius, sup|posed (as Bale saith) by Nicholas Brigham, to be an Englishman, wrote a treatise called Florarium, whereof he tooke his surname and also an other trea|tise of abstinence, in which he reprooueth certeine cor|rupt manners in the cleargie, and the profession of friers mendicants; Adam Hemmelington, a Car|melite frier, studied both in Oxenford and Paris; William Batecombe is placed by Bale about the time of other learned men that liued in this kings time, he was an excellent mathematician, as by the EEBO page image 585 the title of his works which he wrote it should ap|peare.