Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 After a few daies they fell to councell, in which at length it was concluded,The articles of the peace concluded be|twéene king Henrie and the French king. that king Henrie of Eng|land should come to Trois, and marie the ladie Ka|tharine; and the king hir father after his death should make him heire of his realme, crowne and dignitie. It was also agréed, that king Henrie, during his fa|ther in lawes life, should in his stéed haue the whole gouernement of the realme of France, as regent thereof, with manie other couenants and articles, as after shall appeere. To the performance whereof, it was accorded, that all the nobles and estates of the realme of France, as well spirituall as temporall, and also the cities and commonalties, citizens and burgesses of townes, that were obeisant at that time to the French king, should take a corporall oth. These articles were not at the first in all points brought to a perfect conclusion. But after the effect and mea|ning of them was agréed vpon by the commissio|ners, the Englishmen departed towards the king their maister, and left sir Iohn Robsert behind, to giue his attendance on the ladie Katharine.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 King Henrie being informed by them of that which they had doone, was well content with the agréement and with all diligence prepared to go vnto Trois, and therevpon hauing all things in a readinesse, he being accompanied with his brethren the dukes of Clarence and Glocester, the earles of Warwike, Salisburie, Huntington, Eu, Tankeruile, and Lon|guile, & fiftéene thousand men of warre, went from Rone to Pontoise; & departing from thence the eight daie of Maie, came to saint Denis two leagues from Paris, and after to Pontcharenton, where he left a strong garison of men, Thom. W [...] with sir William Gas|coigne, to keepe the passage; and so then entering in|to Brie, he tooke by the waie a castell which was kept against him, causing them that so kept it, Titus [...]. some to be hanged, and the residue to be led foorth with him as prisoners. And after this keeping on his iournie by Prouins, and Nogent, at length he came to Trois.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The duke of Burgognie accompanied with ma|nie noble men, receiued him two leagues without the towne, and conueied him to his lodging. All his armie was lodged in small villages thereabout. And after that he had reposed himselfe a little,King Henrie commeth to Trois to the French king. he went to visit the French king, the quéene, and the ladie Ka|tharine, whome he found in saint Peters church, where was a verie ioious méeting betwixt them (and this was on the twentith daie of Maie) and there the king of England,King Henrie affieth the French king [...] daughter and the ladie Katharine were af|fianced. After this, the two kings and their councell assembled togither diuerse daies, wherein the first concluded agreement was in diuerse points altered and brought to a certeinetie, according to the effect aboue mentioned. When this great matter was fi|nished, the kings sware for their parts to obserue all the couenants of this league and agreement. Like|wise the duke of Burgognie and a great number of other princes and nobles which were present, recei|ued an oth, the tenor whereof (as the duke of Burgo|gnie vttered it in solemne words) thus insueth, Titus Liuius ac|cordinglie as the same is exemplified by Titus Liuius De Foro Luuisiis in Latine.