Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 This yeare, Recor. Turris. Creations of noblemen. the king created his brother Thomas Beauford earle of Dorset, and his sonne the lord Tho|mas of Lancaster, that was lord steward of Eng|land, and earle of Aubemarle, he created duke of Clarence. Iohn duke of Burgognie, hauing now the gouernance both of the French king and his relme, Hall. so persecuted the duke of Orleance and his compli|ces,The Orlean|tiall factiõ su|eth to the K. of England for aid. that finallie they for their last refuge required aid of king Henrie, sending ouer vnto him certeine per|sons as their lawfull procurators (of the which one was called Albert Aubemont, a man of great wit, learning, & audacitie) to offer in name of the confede|rates vnto the said king Henrie and to his sonnes, certeine conditions, which were made and concluded the yeare of our Lord 1412, the eight of Maie. The names of the chiefe confederats were these,The confede|rates of the Orleantiall faction. Iohn duke of Berrie and earle of Poictou, Charles duke of Orleance, and Ualois erle of Blois, and Beaumont EEBO page image 538 lord of Coucie and Ach, Iohn duke of Bourbon, and Auuergne earle of Clearmont forest, and Lisle lord of Beau [...]eu, and Casteau Chinon, Iohn duke of A|lanson, Barnard earle of Arminacke, and others. The effect of the articles which these confederats were agréed, vpon touching their offer to the king of England, were as followeth.
13.1. The articles of couenants which they offered to the king of England.
The articles of couenants which they offered to the king of England.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _FIrst, they offered their bodies, finances, and lands, to serue the king of England, his heires, and successors, in all iust cau|ses and actions, sauing alwaies their alle|giance, knowing that he would not further inquire of them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Secondlie, they offered their sonnes and daugh|ters, néeces and nephues, and all other their kins|folks to be bestowed in marriages according to the pleasure of the king of England.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 Thirdlie, they offered their castels, townes, trea|sures, & all their other goods, to serue the forsaid king.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 4 Fourthlie, they offered their fréends, alies, and well-willers to serue him, being the most part of all the nobles of France, churchmen, clearkes, and ho|nest citizens, as it should well appeare.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 Fiftlie, they offered to put him in possession of the duchie of Guien, which they were readie to pro|test to belong vnto the king of England, in like and semblable wise, in libertie and franchises, as any o|ther king of England his predecessor had held and in|ioied the same.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 6 Sixtlie, that they would be readie to recognise the lands which they possessed within that duchie, to hold the same of the king of England, as of the verie true duke of Guien, promising all seruices and ho|mages after the best maner that might be.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 7 Seuenthlie, they promised to deliuer vnto the king, as much as laie in them, all townes and castels apperteining to the roialtie and seigniorie of the king of England, which are in number twentie townes and castels: and as to the regard of other townes & fortresses which were not in their hands, they would to the vttermost of their powers, helpe the king of England and his heires to win them out of his ad|uersaries hands.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 8 Eightlie, that the duke of Berrie, as vassall to the king of England, and likewise the duke of Orle|ance his subiect and vassall, should hold of him by ho|mage and fealtie, the lands and seigniories hereafter following, that is to saie; the duke of Berrie to hold onelie the countie of Ponthieu during his life, and the duke of Orleance to hold the countie of Angu|lesme during his life, and the countie of Perigourt for euer, and the earle of Arminacke to hold foure ca|stels vpon certeine suerties and conditions, as by in|denture should be appointed. For the which offers, co|uenants and agreements, they requested of the king of England to condescend vnto these conditions in|suing.
13.2. The conditions which they reque|sted of the king of England.
The conditions which they reque|sted of the king of England.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _FIrst, that the king of England, as duke of Guien should defend and succor them as he ought to doo, against all men, as their verie lord and souereigne, and speciallie vntill they had exe|cuted iustice fullie vpon the duke of Burgognie, for the crime which he committed vpon the person of the duke of Orleance.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Secondlie, that he should assist them against the said duke of Burgognie and his fautors, to recouer againe their goods, which by occasion of the said duke and his fréends they had lost and béene depriued of.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 3 Thirdlie, that he should likewise aid them in all iust quarels, for recouering of damages doone to their fréends, vassals and subiects.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 4 Fourthlie, to helpe and assist them for the con|cluding and establishing of a firme peace betwixt both the realmes, so far as was possible. ¶And further they besought the king of England to send vnto them eight thousand men, to aid them against the duke of Burgognie and his complices, which dailie procured the French king to make war vpon them, séeking by all waies & meanes how to destroie them.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king of England louinglie interteined the messengers, and vpon consideration had of their of|fers, as well for that he detested the shamefull mur|ther of the duke of Orleance (which remained vnpu|nished by support of such as mainteined the duke of Burgognie, who (as it appeared) would keepe promise no longer than serued his owne turne) as also for that the same offers seemed to make greatlie both for his honor and profit, thought that by the office of a king he was bound in dutie to succour them that cri|ed for iustice, and could not haue it; and namelie sith in right they were his subiects and vassals, he ought to defend them in maintenance of his superioritie and seigniorie. Herevpon as duke of Guien, he tooke vpon him to succor and defend them against all men,The king of England ta|keth vpõ him to defend the Orleantiall faction. as their verie lord and souereigne, and so sending a|waie the messengers, promised to send them aid ve|rie shortlie.