Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 523 The number of the Persies a [...]mie.Herevpon, the whole armie being in number a|bout fourtéene thousand chosen men, promised to stand with him so long as life lasted. There were with the Persies as chiefteines of this armie, the earle of Dowglas a Scotish man, the baron of Kinderton, sir Hugh Browne, and sir Richard Uernon knights, with diuerse other stout and right valiant capteins. Now when the two armies were incamped, the one against the other,The Persies sent their ar|ticles to the king. the earle of Worcester and the lord Persie with their complices sent the articles (where|of I spake before) by Thomas Caiton, and Thomas Saluain esquiers to king Henrie, vnder their hands and seales,King Henrie charged with periurie. which articles in effect charged him with manifest periurie, in that (contrarie to his oth recei|ued vpon the euangelists at Doncaster, when he first entred the realme after his exile) he had taken vpon him the crowne and roiall dignitie, imprisoned king Richard, caused him to resigne his title, and finallie to be murthered. Diuerse other matters they laid to his charge, as leuieng of taxes and tallages, contra|rie to his promise, infringing of lawes & customes of the realme, and suffering the earle of March to re|maine in prison, without trauelling to haue him de|liuered All which things they as procurors & protec|tors of the common-wealth,Procurors & protectors of the common-wealth. tooke vpon them to prooue against him, as they protested vnto the whole world.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 King Henrie after he had read their articles, with the defiance which they annexed to the same, answe|red the esquiers,The kings answer to the messengers that brought the articles. that he was readie with dint of sword and fierce battell to prooue their quarrell false, and nothing else than a forged matter, not doubting, but that God would aid and assist him in his righ|teous cause, against the disloiall and false forsworne traitors. The next daie in the morning earlie, being the euen of Marie Magdalene, they set their battels in order on both sides, and now whilest the warriors looked when the token of battell should be giuen, the abbat of Shrewesburie,The king of|fereth to par|don his ad|uersaries. and one of the clearks of the priuie seale, were sent from the king vnto the Per|sies, to offer them pardon, if they would come to any reasonable agréement. By their persuasions, the lord Henrie Persie began t [...] giue eare vnto the kings of|fers, & so sent with them his vncle the earle of Wor|cester, to declare vnto the king the causes of those troubles, and to require some effectuall reformation in the same.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 It was reported for a truth, that now when the king had condescended vnto all that was resonable at his hands to be required, and seemed to humble himselfe more than was meet for his estate, the earle of Worcester (vpon his returne to his nephue) made relation cleane contrarie to that the king had said,The earle of Worcesters double dea|ling in wrong reporting the kings words. in such sort that he set his nephues hart more in displea|sure towards the king, than euer it was before, dri|uing him by that meanes to fight whether he would or not: then suddenlie blew the trumpets, the kings part crieng S. George vpon them, the aduersaries cried Esperance Persie, and so the two armies furiouslie ioined. The archers on both sides shot for the best game, laieng on such load with arrowes, that manie died, and were driuen downe that neuer rose againe.