Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 After the archbishop had ended, wishing that it might so come to passe, and the people answered, A|men;The words of the elected king. the king standing on his féet, said vnto the lords and commons there present:
I thanke you my lords both spirituall and temporall, and all the states of this land, and doo you to wit, that it is not my will that any man thinke, that I by the waie of conquest would disherit any man of his heritage, franches, or other rights, that him ought to haue of right, nor to put him out of that which he now inioieth, and hath had before time by custome or good law of this realme, except such priuat persons as haue béene a|gainst the good purpose, and the common profit of the realme.When he had thus ended, all the shiriffes and other officers were put in their authorities a|gaine, to exercise the same as before, which they could not doo whilest the kings roiall throne was void.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, a proclamation was made, Thom. Wals. that the states should assemble againe in parlement on mon|daie then next insuing, being the feast daie of saint Faith, which is the sixt of October; and that the mon|day then next following, being the 13 of the same moneth, and the feast day of saint Edward the king and confessor, the coronation should be solemnized,The corona|tion proclai|med. and that all such as had to claime any seruice to be doone by them at the same by any tenure, they should come to the White-hall in the kings palace, before the steward and constable of England, on saturdaie next before the same day of the parlement, and presenting their petitions that were due & rightfull,The parlemẽt they should obteine that to them apperteined. Excuse was also made on the kings behalfe, for calling of a parle|ment vpon so short a warning, so as the knights and burgesses were not changed, but onelie appointed to assemble againe, as if the other parlement had ra|ther beene continued than dissolued. The cause was alledged to be for easing of the charges that would haue risen, if ech man had béene sent home, and new knights and burgesses called.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 These things doone, the king rose from his place, and with a cheerefull and right courteous counte|nance regarding the people, went to White-hall, where the same day he held a great feast.King Henrie ye fourth pro|clamed. In the after n [...]one were proclamations made in the accustomed places of the citie, in the name of king Henrie the fourth. On the morrow following, being wednesdaie and first of October, the procurators aboue named repaired to the tower of London, and there signified vnto king Richard the admission of king Henrie. And the aforesaid iustice William Thirning, in name of the other, and for all the states of the land, renounced vnto the said Richard late king, all ho|mage and fealtie vnto him before time due, in ma|ner and forme as apperteined. Which renuntiation to the deposed king, was a redoubling of his greefe in so much as thereby it came to his mind, how in for|mer times he was acknowledged & taken for their liege lord and souereigne, who now (whether in con|tempt or in malice, God knoweth) to his face for|sware him to be their king. So that in his heuin [...]s he might verie well haue said with a gréeued plaintife,
Heu quantae sortes miseris mortalibus instant!Ah chari quoties obliuia nominis opto!T. Wats. Amin [...] ta [...] querela 5.O qui me fluctus, quis me telluris hiatu [...]Pertaesum tetricae vitae deglutiat oreChasmatico?