Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer they were compelled to put their hands and seales to certeine blankes, wherof ye haue heard before, in the which, when it pleased him he might write what he thought good. There was also a new oth deuised for the shiriffes of euerie countie through the realme to receiue: finallie, manie of the kings liege people were through spite, enuie, and malice, ac|cused, apprehended, & put in prison,Indirect dealings. and after brought before the constable and marshall of England, in the court of chiualrie, and might not otherwise be deliue|red, except they could iustifie themselues by combat and fighting in lists against their accusers hand to hand, although the accusers for the most part were lustie, yoong and valiant, where the parties accused were perchance old, impotent, maimed and sicklie. Wherevpon not onelie the great destruction of the realme in generall, but also of euerie singular per|son in particular, was to be feared and looked for.
¶ About this time the bishop of Calcedon came into England, with letters apostolicall of admonition, Abr. Fl. out of Thom. Wa [...]. pag. 395. that the faithfull and loiall of the land should of their goods disbursse somewhat to the emperour of Con|stantinople, who was extremelie vexed and troubled by the Tartars, and their capteine called Morect. And to the intent that the peeres of the land might be made the more willing and toward to bestow their contribution in this behalfe, the pope granted vnto all benefactors (trulie contrite and confessed) full re|mission, and wrapped in his bitter censures all such as hindered those that were willing to bestow their be|neuolence in this case; considering, that although the emperour was a schismatike, yet was he a chri|stian, and if by the infidels he should be oppressed, all christendome was in danger of ruine; hauing in his mind that saieng of the poet full fit for his purpose,
Tunc tuares agitur paries cùm proximus ardet.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 ¶ In this
yeare in a manner throughout all the realme of England, old baie trées withered,
Abr. Fl. out of Thom. Wa [...]. pag. 395. and af|terwards, contrarie to all mens thinking, grew greene againe, a
strange sight, and supposed to import some vnknowne euent.
¶ In this meane time the king being aduertised that the wild Irish dailie wa|sted and destroied the
townes and villages within the English pale, and had slaine manie of the souldi|ers which laie there in
garison for defense of that EEBO page image 497 countrie, determined to make eftsoones a voiage thi|ther,
& prepared all things necessarie for his passage now against the spring. A little before his setting
foorth, he caused a iusts to be holden at Windesor of fourtie knights and fourtie esquiers,A iusts at Windesor. against all com|mers, & they to be apparelled in gréene,
with a white falcon, and the queene to be there well accompani|ed with ladies and damsels.
The king sai|leth ouer into Ireland with a great armie.
Fabian. Caxton.
The duke of Yorke lieute|nant generall of England, the king be|ing in Ireland.
H [...]n. Marl.