Henrie lord Hastings (who bare for his armes gold a manche gules) married Alda (or Ada) the fourth daughter of Dauid earle of Huntington, she being one of the heires to Iohn Scot earle of Chester, & of Huntington (which died without issue) son of the said Dauid, and brother to the said Ada. To this Henrie EEBO page image 468 and Ada did Henrie the third king of England, in the two & twentith of his reigne (in place of the portion of hir brothers lands, which should haue descended to hir as parcell of the earledome of Chester, for that the king would not haue the said earledome diuided a|mongst distaues) giue in exchange certeine lands mentioned in this déed following.
12.1. The grant of Henrie the third, to Hen|rie Hastings and Ada his wife, for the ex|change of lands for hir part of the earledome.
The grant of Henrie the third, to Hen|rie Hastings and Ada his wife, for the ex|change of lands for hir part of the earledome.
_OMnibus, ad quos, &c: salutem. Sciatis quòd concessimus pro nobis & haeredi|bus nostris, Henrico de Hastings, & Adae vxorieius, pro rationabili parte sua, qùae praedictam Adam contingent, de hae|reditate Iohannis quondam comitis Cestriae fra|tris ipsius Adae in Cestershire, faciẽdo eis rationabi|le excambium, ad valentiam praedictae partis ip|sam Adam contingentis de praedicto com. Cester|shire. Et ad maiorem securitatem cõcessimus eidem Henrico & Adae manerium nostrum de Bremes|graue cum pertinentibus in comitatu Wigorniae, manerium nostrum de Bolisoure cum castris & pertinentibus in com. Derby, manerium no|strum de Mountesfeld cum Soka cũ pertinentibus in comitatu Notingham, manerium de Wors|feld cum pertinentibus in com. Salop. manerium de Stratton cum pertinentibus in eodem com. Strattondale. ma|nerium de Wiggutton cum pertinent. in com. Staf|ford, & maneriũ de Woluerhamton cũpert. in eodẽ com. in tenentiam. Tenendum eisdem Henrico & Adae & haeredibus ipsius Adae, quo vs praedicta pars ipsam Adam contingens & de praedicta haere|ditate extenta fuerit, & rationabile excambium in praedictis terris vel alias eis assignauerimus. In cuius, &c. Teste rege apud Ditton 11. Innij, anno regni nostri 22.
The which manours the said Henrie and Ada did hold during the life of the said Ada, in peaceable and quiet possession. After hir death the said Henrie goeth into Gascoigne, where he remained stew|ard vntill the comming of Henrie the third, at what time the said Henrie surrendered his office, but the king importunate with him still to reteine the same, he flatlie denied it, and would no longer remaine there, suddenlie returning into England without li|cence or knowledge of the king, for which contempt the king greeuouslie incensed, in reuenge and for sa|tisfaction of the same, made the same lands to be ex|tended by Thomas Paslew and others, who by the kings processe extended part thereof to a [...]reble va|lue, after which extent returned into the chancerie, the king seized the manour of Bremesgraue, Bole|soure, Strattondale in Norton, & left in his hands the manours of Lierton, Oswardbecke, Cundoner, Wourfeld, and Wigutton, whereof the said Henrie died seized. Two yeares before which grant of the lands before said to this Henrie, to wit, in the twen|tith yeare of Henrie the third, the said Henrie Ha|stings made his petition to serue in the pantrée (as he was bound by tenure) at the coronation of eue|rie prince, the record whereof in the ancient written booke of the earls of Huntington, is in these words following.
This Henrie had by Ada his wife, his sonne & heire Henrie Hastings, from whome Buchanan dooth saie that Henrie Hastings now earle of Penbroke is descended, whereof I will not now heere dispute.12.1. The record by which Henrie Hastings executed the office of the panteller.
The record by which Henrie Hastings executed the office of the panteller.
VIcesimo Henr. tertij quo coronata fuit regina Elionara filia Hugonis comitis Prouinciae a|pud Westm. factae sunt contentiones magnae de ser|uitijs ministralibus, & de iuribus pertinentibus ad eorum ministeria, sed respectuatur, iuribus sin|gulis saluis, vt tumultus requiesceret vs ad quin|dena Paschae sequẽtis, &c. Et Henricus de Hastin|ges, cuius officium seruiendi de mappis à veteri vendicauit officiũ illud, & habuit. Nam quamuis Thurstanus vendicauit officium illud, asserens suum esse debere à veteri, tamen rex repulsat, & admisit Henricum de Hastinges, ea die assignans eisdem diem de contentione finienda ad praedictum terminum. Extractas verò post prandium map|pas tanquam suas ad officium pertinentes recepit.