Compare 1577 edition: 112.1. A proclamation clearing the lords of treason.
A proclamation clearing the lords of treason.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 _RIchard by the grace of God, &c. We will that it be knowne to all our liege people throughout our realme of England, that whereas Thomas duke of Glocester, Ri|chard earle of Arundell, & Thomas earle of Warwike, haue beene defamed of trea|son by certeine of our councellors: we as it apperteineth, diligentlie searching the ground & cause of this defamation, find no such thing in them, nor any suspicion there|of: wherfore we declare the same defama|tion to be false, and vntrue, and doo receiue the same duke and earles into our speciall protection. And bicause these accusers shall be notoriouslie knowne, their names are Alexander archbishop of Yorke, sir Robert Ueere duke of Ireland, Michaell de la Poole earle of Suffolke, Robert Trisilian lord chiefe iustice, and sir Nicholas Bram|bre of London knight, who in like case shall remaine till the next parlement, and there shall stand to their answers. But in the meane time we likewise take them into our protection, streictlie charging and com|manding, that no maner of person charge any of the forenamed, either priuilie or a|pertlie, in word or deed, to hurt them, or cause any hurt to be doone to them, but all quarels & demands against them to be re|mitted, vntill the next parlement prefixed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now to haue all things in more perfect readinesse and remembrance when the estates should be assem|bled, certeine of the lords were appointed to sit in the meane time, to deuise how they might procéed order|lie in redresse of such matters, as séemed to require some spéedie reformation: neither did they thinke it good to depart in sunder, for feare to be intrapped through the malicious practise of their aduersaries. Which doubt of theirs seemed afterwards to stand them in stéed of great wisedome. For immediatlie after, their said aduersaries came to the king, and de|clared how they were dailie in danger of their liues, by reason of the malice which the lords had conceiued against them onelie for the kings sake, and not for a|ny matter of their owne. And whereas the king had promised that they should appeare at the next parle|ment, which was at hand, they told him plainelie that they neither durst nor would put their bodies in such manifest danger. The king considering hereof, with|drew himselfe from the companie of the lords that were assigned to fit at London, to deliberate of mat|ters that were to be talked of and ordered in the par|lement; and so that councell was deferred and laid aside: and the kings councellors that stood in danger of their liues through the malice of the lords confede|rated with the duke of Glocester, got them from the court, and withdrew some into this place and some into that.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Among other the earle of Suffolke fled ouer vnto Calis in secret wise,The earle of Suffolke fleeth ouer to Calis. by the helpe of a knight called sir William Hoo, who holpe to conueie him thither. He had changed his apparell, and shauen his beard, and so disguised, counterfeited himselfe to be a poul|ter, and to sell certeine foule which he had gotten, by which means he was not knowne, till at length com|ming to the gates of the castell (wherof his brother sir Edmund dela Poole was capteine) he discouered to him (scarselie knowing who he was, by reason he was so disguised) the whole occasion of his repairing thither, requiring him to keepe his counsell, and that he might remaine with him in priuie maner for a time, till he might heare more how things went in England, from whence he was thus fled, to auoid the bloudie hands of his enimies, that sought his life. His brother doubting what might be laid to his charge if he shuld conceale this matter from the lord William Beauchampe lord deputie of the towne, streightwaies aduertised him thereof, who tooke or|der that the earle should foorthwith be sent backe a|gaine into England to the king, Grafton. who receiued him with small thanks to them that brought him ouer, so that (as some write) his brother being one, was committed to prison for disclosing him. But yet bi|cause it should not séeme that he imprisoned him for that cause, he was shortlie after set at libertie, and returned againe to his charge at Calis. The earle was also permitted to go whither he would, although the king had vndertaken to present him and others at the next parlement to answer their offenses, as the same might be laid to their charge.