Compare 1577 edition: 1 On the second day of Aprill, the prince with his battell thus ordered, remoued from Groigne, and marching that day two leagues forward, came be|fore Nauarret, and there tooke his lodging, within a small distance from his enimies, so that both parties prepared to giue battell the next day in the morning, commanding that euerie man at the sounding of the first trumpet, should apparell themselues, that they might be readie vpon the next sound to be set in order of battell, and to go against their enimies. The Spa|niards very earlie in the morning drew into the field, and ordeined thrée battels in this wise.The order [...] the Spani|ards. The first was led by sir Berthram de Cleaquin, wherein were all the Frenchmen and other strangers, to the numb [...]r of foure thousand knights and esquiers, well armed and appointed, after the manner of France. In the se|cond battell was the earle Dom Tielle, with his bro|ther the lord Sanches, hauing with them fifteene thousand men on foot, and on horssebacke. The third battell and the greatest of all was gouerned by king EEBO page image 399 Henrie himselfe, hauing in that battell seuen thou|sand horssemen, and threescore thousand footmen, with crossebowes, darts, speares, lances, and other abille|ments of war:The number of y^ [...] Spanish armie. so in all three battels he had foure|score and six thousand men on horssebacke and on foot.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The prince of Wales, at the breaking of the daie was readie in the field with his people arranged in order of battell, and aduanced forward with them to|ward his enimies, an hosting pace; and as they pas|sed a little hill, they might sée as they were descen|ding downe the same, their enimies comming like|wise towards them, in good order of battell. When they were approached neere togither, and readie to ioine,The duke of Lancaster. the duke of Lancasters battell incountered with the battell of sir Berthram de Cleaquin, which two battels verie eagerlie assailed each other, so that there was betwixt them a sore conflict, and well con|tinued. The erle Dom Teille, and his brother the lord Sanches, vpon the first approach of the princes bat|tell towards them, fled out of the field, and with them two thousand speares, so that the residue of their bat|tell were shortlie after discomfited, for the capitall of Buz otherwise Beuf,The capitall of Beuf. and the lord Clisson, came vp|on them on foot, and slue and hurt manie of them, so that they brake their arraie, and fled to saue them|selues.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 This chance discomforted the hearts of the Spa|niards right sore, but yet king Henrie like a valiant gentleman came forward, and incouraged his men all that he might, so that there was a cruell battell, and well foughten a long time. For the Spaniards with slings cast stones in such fierce manner, that they claue therewith manie an helmet and bassenet, hurt manie, and ouerthrew them to the earth. On the other part,The archers. the English archers shot freshlie at their enimies, galled and slue the Spaniards, and brought them to great confusion: yet king Henrie nothing abashed herewith, wheresoeuer he perceiued his men to shrinke, thither he resorted, calling vpon them, and exhorting them to remember their estimations and duties, so that by his diligence and manfull incou|ragement, thrise that daie did he staie his people, be|ing at point to giue ouer, and set them in the faces of his enimies againe. Neither did the souldiers alone manfullie behaue themselues, but the cap|teins also stoutlie laid about them. King Peter like a lion pressed forward,King Peter. coueting to méet with his bro|ther Henrie, that he might séeke his reuenge on him with his owne hands. Cruell was the fight, and tried throughlie with most eger and fierce minds.