Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Fabian. This yeare, by reason of an extreme sore frost, con|tinuing from the seuen and twentith day of Septem|ber last passed, vnto the beginning of Aprill, in this eight and thirtith yeare (or rather from the seuenth day of December till the ninetenth day of March, as Walsingham and other old writers doo report) the ground laie vntild, to the great hinderance and losse of all growing things on the earth. This yeare on Michaelmasse day, before the castell of Aulroy,The battell of Aulroy. not far distant from the citie of Uannes in Britaine, a sore battell was fought betwixt the lord Charles de Blois, and the lord Iohn of Mountford. For when there could be no end made betwixt these two lords, touching their title vnto the duchie of Britaine, they renewed the wars verie hotlie in that countrie, Froissard. and procured all the aid they might from each side. The king of France sent to the aid of his cousine Charls de Blois a thousand speares; and the earle of Mount|ford sent into Gascoigne, requiring sir Iohn Chan|dois, and other Englishmen there to come to his suc|cour. Sir Iohn Chandois gladlie consented to this re|quest, and therevpon got licence of the prince, and came into Britaine, where he found the earle of Mountford at the siege of the foresaid castell of Aul|roy. In the meane time, the lord Charles de Blois, being prouided of men, and all things necessarie to giue battell, came and lodged fast by his enimies.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Mountford aduertised of his approch, by the aduise of sir Iohn Chandois and other of his capteins, had chosen out a plot of ground to lodge in, and meant there to abide their enimies. With the lord Charles of Blois was that valiant knight sir Berthram de Cleaquin or Guesclin (as some write him) by whose aduise there were ordeined three bat|tels, and a reregard,Thrée thou [...]sand and six hundred fig [...]ting men, [...] Walsing. [...]. and in each battell were appoin|ted a thousand of good fighting men. On the other part, the earle of Mountford diuided his men like|wise into thrée battels and a reregard. The first was led by sir Robert Knols, sir Walter Hewet, and sir Richard Brulle or Burlie. The second by sir Oliuer de Clisson, sir Eustace Daubreticourt, and sir Mat|thew Gournie. The third the earle of Mountford him selfe guided, and with him was sir Iohn Chandois as|sociat, by whom he was much ruled: for the king of England, whose daughter the earle of Mountford should marie, had written to sir Iohn Chandois, that he should take good héed to the businesse of the said earle, and order the same as sagelie as he might de|uise or imagine.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In ech of these thrée armies were fiue hundred ar|med men, and foure hundred archers. In the reregard were appointed fiue hundred men of warre, vnder the gouernance of sir Hugh Caluerlie. Beside sir Iohn Chandois, & other Englishmen recited by Froissard, there was the lord William Latimer, as one of the chiefe on the earle of Mountfords side. There were not past sixtéene hundred good fighting men on that side, as Thomas Walsingham plainelie writeth. Now when the hosts were ordred on both sides (as be|fore we haue said) they approched togither, the French|men came close in their order of battell, and were to the number of fiue and twentie hundred men of armes, after the manner of that age, beside others. Euerie man had cut his speare (as then they vsed, at what time they should ioine in battell) to the length of fiue foot, and a short ax hanging at his side. At the first incounter, there was a sore battell, and trulie the archers shot right fiercelie, howbeit their shot did litle hurt to the Frenchmen, they were so well ar|med and furnished: the archers perceiuing that (be|ing big men and light) cast awaie their bowes,The wor [...] actiuitie of the English ar|chers. and entered in amongst the Frenchmen that bare the axes, and plucked them out of their hands, wherwith they fought after right hardlie. There was doone ma|nie a noble feat of armes, manie taken, and rescued againe.