Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 There were some of his secretaries, namelie, sir William Killesbie,The K. offen|ded with the the archb. of Canturburie. which stirred him to take no EEBO page image 361 small displeasure against the archbishop of Cantur|burie Iohn Stratford, who therevpon withdrew him into the priorie of Christes church at Canturburie, and there remaining for a season, wrote his mind to the king, exhorting him not to giue too light credit vnto such as should counsell him to haue those in con|tempt that were faithfull and true to him,1341 The archbish. writeth to the king. for in so dooing, he might happilie loose the loue and good will of his people. Neuertheles, he wished that he should trie out in whose hands the wools and monie remai|ned, which were taken vp to his vse, and that vpon a iust accompts had at their hands, it might appeare who were in fault, that he had not monie brought to him, whilest he laie at siege before Tournie, as he had appointed; and that when the truth was knowne, they that were in fault might be worthilie punished. And as for his owne cause, he signified, that he was readie to be tried by his péeres, sauing alwaies the state of holie church, and of his order, &c. Further, he besought the king, not to thinke euill of him, and of other good men, till the truth might be tried, for o|therwise, if iudgement should be pronounced, with|out admitting the partie to come to his answere, as well the guiltlesse as the guiltie might be con|demned.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king neuerthelesse still offended towards the archbishop, Anno Reg. 15. A letter sent to the deane of Paules. caused Adam bishop of Winchester to indite a letter against him, directed from the king to the deane and chapiter of Paules, openlie to be publi|shed by them: the effect whereof was, to burthen the archbishop with vnthankfulnesse, and forgetting of his bounden duetie towards his souereigne lord and louing maister, namelie, in that where he promised the king to sée him throughlie furnished with monie, towards the maintenance of his warres: when it came to passe, none would be had, which turned not onelie to the hinderance of the kings whole procée|dings, but also to his great discredit, and causing him to run greatlie in debt by interest, through borrow|ing of monie, for the paiment of the wages of his men of warre, when through the archbishops negli|gence, who had the chéefe rule of the land, the collec|tors and other officers slacked their duetie, whereby there was no monie sent ouer, according to that was appointed: and wheras now, since his comming ouer, he had sent to the archbishop to come vnto him, that by his information, he might the better learne who they were that neglected their duetie, he disobedient|lie refused to come, pretending some feare of bodi|lie harme, through the malice of some that were a|bout the king. Wherevpon, when Rafe lord Stafford, lord steward of the kings house, was sent with a safe conduct, for him to come in all safetie to the court, he flatlie made answer that he would not come, except in full parlement.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The archbi|shop refuseth to come to the court.Manie other misdemeanors was the archbishop charged with towards the king in that letter, as ma|liciouslie slandering the king for vniust oppression of the people, confounding the cleargie, and greeuing the church with exactions, leuies of monie, tolles and [...]allages. Therefore, sith he went about to slander the kings roiall authoritie, to defame his seruants, to stirre rebellion among the people, and to withdraw the deuotion and loue of the earles, lords, and great men of the lan [...] from the king: his highnesse decla|red, that he meant to prouide for the integritie & pre|seruation of his good name (whereof it is said trulie,
Dulcius est aere pretiosum nomen hab [...]re.)and to meet with the archbishops malice. And here|with diuerse things were rehersed to the archbishops reproch, which he should doo, procure, and suffer to be doone, by his euill and sinister counsell, whilest he had the rule of the realme in his hands vnder the king: wherein he had shewed himselfe not onelie an accep|tor of gifts, but also of persons, in gratifieng diuerse that nothing had deserued sundrie waies foorth, and presuming to doo rashlie manie other things to the detriment of the kings roiall state, and hurt of his regall dignitie, and to no small damage of the peo|ple, abusing the authoritie and office to him commit|ted, so that if he persisted in his obstinate wilfulnesse, and rebellious contumacie, the king by those his let|ters signified, that he meant to declare it more appa|rantlie in due time and place, and therefore comman|ded the said deane and chapiter of Paules, to publish all those things openlie, in places where they thought conuenient, according to their wisedome giuen to them by God, so as he might haue cause to commend therein their carefull diligence. ¶ This letter was dated at Westminster the tenth of Februarie, in the fifteenth yeare of his reigne ouer England, and se|cond ouer France.