Compare 1577 edition: 1 The ladie Iane de Ua|lois treateth for a peace.At length at the suit of the ladie Iane de Ualois, sister to the French king, and mother to the earle of Heinault, trauelling still betwixt the parties to bring them vnto some accord, it was granted that either partie should send certeine sufficient persons to in|treat of the matter, which should méet at a little chap|pell, standing in the fields called Esplotin, and hereto also was a truce granted for thrée daies. For the English part were appointed the duke of Brabant, the bishop of Lincolne, the duke of Gelderland, the earle of Gulike, and sir Iohn de Heinault lord Beau|mont. For the French part, the king of Bohem, Charles erle of Alanson brother to the French king, the bishop of Liege, the earle of Flanders, and the earle of Arminacke: and the ladie of Ualois was still among them as a mediatrix, by whose meanes chéefelie they at length did agrée vpon a truce to in|dure for a yeare betweene all parties and their men,A truce ac|corded. and also betweene them that were in Scotland, in Gascoigne, and Poictou.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 It was agréed also by these commissioners, that there should other commissioners of either part foure or fiue meet at Arras at a daie appointed, and thither also should the pope send his legats, to treat of a per|petuall peace and full agréement to be made betwixt the two kings of England and France. There was also consideration had of the Flemings,The Fle|mings relea|sed of debts, and of the in|terdiction. so that they were released of all such summes of monie as they were by any bonds indangered to paie by forfeiture, or otherwise, for any matter before that time vnto the crowne of France. Also they were released of the interdiction and cursse of the church, Polydor. and then also was their earle restored home. It was further accor|ded,Restitution of townes to the king of England. Gaguin. that the French king should restore vnto the king of England certeine townes and places in Guien, which in the beginning of these warres the earle of Alanson had taken from the Englishmen, as Penne in Agenois, and others. Also whereas the French king had seized the countie of Pontieu into his hands, which was the dower of quéene Isabell, the mother of king Edward, he should also restore the same vnto king Edward, to hold it as he did before.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Herevpon was the siege raised from Tournie, af|ter it had continued there the space of ten wéekes and foure daies.The siege rai|sed from Tournie. They within stood in great danger for lacke of vittels to haue beene constreined to the sur|rendring of the towne, if this truce had not béene con|cluded, which caused the French king the sooner to a|grée, in like case as the lacke of monie caused the king of England to take his truce, which otherwise (as was thought) he would not haue doone: so that by the violent constraint of necessitie they were forced thus to doo, against which there is no trieng of maiste|ries, nor strugling to make it stoope and obeie: for
A necessitate omnia in seruitutem rediguntur.