Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The ambassadours with this answer returning to London, Polydor. declared the same vnto all the states, in or|der as they had receiued it, whervpon great ioy was made of all men, to consider that they might now by course of law proceed to the choosing of a new king. And so thervpon the nine and twentith day of Ianu|arie in session of parlement then at Westminster assembled, was the third king Edward, sonne to king Edward the second, chosen and elected king of England, by the authoritie of the same parlement, first (as before is said) confirmed by his fathers resig|nation: and the first day of his reigne they agréed to be the fiue and twentith of Ianuarie, in the yeare 1326 after the account of the church of England, be|ginning the yeare the fiue & twentith day of March, but by the common account of writers, Merimuth. it was in the yeare 1327. ¶ On the same daie sir William Trus|sell procurator for the whole parlement did renounce the old king in name of the whole parlement, with all homages and fealties due to him, so that the same fiue and twentith day of Ianuarie hath béene repu|ted and taken for the first day of the beginning of king Edward the third his reigne, so that whatsoe|uer chanced before that day, is ascribed to be doone during the reigne of his father.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to make an end of the life, as well as of the reigne of king Edward the second, I find that after he was deposed of his kinglie honour and title, he remained for a time at Killingworth, Thom. de la More. in custodie of the earle of Leicester. But within a while the queene was informed by the bishop of Hereford, (whose hatred towards him had no end) that the erle of Leicester fauoured hir husband too much, and more than stood with the suertie of hir sonnes state, wherevpon he was appointed to the kéeping of two other lords, Thomas Berkley, and Iohn Matreuers, who receiuing him of the earle of Leicester the third of Aprill, conueied him from Killingworth vnto the castell of Berkley, situate not farre off from the ri|uer of Seuerne, almost the midwaie betwixt Glo|cester and Bristow.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But forsomuch as the lord Berkley vsed him more courteouslie than his aduersaries wished him to doo, he was discharged of that office, and sir Thomas Gourney appointed in his stead,Sir Thomas Gourney. who togither with the lord Matreuers conueied him secretlie (for feare least he should be taken from them by force) from one strong place to another, as to the castell of Corfe, and such like, still remoouing with him in the night season, till at length they thought it should not be knowne whither they had conueied him. And so at length they brought him backe againe in secret ma|ner vnto the castell of Berkley, where whilest he re|mained (as some write) the queene would send vnto him courteous and louing letters with apparell and other such things, but she would not once come neere to visit him, bearing him in hand that she durst not, for feare of the peoples displeasure, who hated him so extreamelie. Howbeit, she with the rest of hir confe|derats had (no doubt) laid the plot of their deuise for his dispatch, though by painted words she pretended a kind of remorse to him in this his distresse, & would séeme to be faultlesse in the sight of the world; for
Proditor illudit verbis dum verbera cudit.