Compare 1577 edition: 1 The quéene remained about a moneths space at Hereford, and in the meane while sent the lord Hen|rie erle of Leicester, and the lord William la Zouch, and one Rice ap Howell, that was latelie deliuered out of the tower where he was prisoner, into Wales, to sée if they might find means to apprehend the king by helpe of their acquaintance in those parts, all thrée of them hauing lands thereabouts, where it was knowne the king for the more part kept. They vsed such diligence in that charge, that finallie with large gifts bestowed on the Welshmen, they came to vn|derstand where the king was, and so on the day of saint Edmund the archbishop, being the sixtéenth of Nouember, they tooke him in the monasterie of Neith, neere to the castell of Laturssan, togither with Hugh Spenser the sonne called earle of Glocester, the lord chancellour Robert de Baldocke, and Si|mon de Reading the kings marshall, not caring for other the kings seruants, whome they suffered to escape.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king was deliuered to the earle of Leicester, who conueied him by Monmouth and Leadburie,The king is brought to Killingworth. to Killingworth castle, where he remained the whole winter. The earle of Glocester, the lord chancellor, and Simon de Reading, were brought to Hereford, and there presented to the queene, where on the foure & twentith of Nouember, the said earle was drawne and hanged on a paire of gallowes of fiftie foot in heigth. Then was his head striken off,Hugh Spen|ser the yonger executed. his bowels taken out of his bodie and burnt, and his bodie diui|ded in quarters. His head was sent to London, and set vpon the bridge with other, & his quarters were sent to foure seuerall parts of the realme, and there pight vpon poles, to be séene of the people. He was drawne in his owne cote armour, about the which there were letters embrodered plaine to be read con|teining a parcell of the 52 psalme, as followeth.
1 QVid gloriaris in malitia potens?
2 Iniquitatem tota die, iniustitiam cogitauit lingua tua, sicut nouacula acuta fecisti dolum,
3 Dilexisti malitiam super bonitatem, iniustiti|am magis quàm loqui iustitiam,
4 Dilexisti omnia verba demersionis lingua do|losa,
5 Propterea Deus destruat te in finem, euellat te & emigrare te faciat de tabernaculo tuo, & ra|dicem EEBO page image 340 tuam de terra viuentium,
6 Videbunt iusti & timebunt, & super eum ride|bunt, & dicent,
7 Ecce homo qui non posuit Deum adiutorem su|um, sed sperauit in multitudine diuitiarum sua|rum, & praeualuit in vanitate sua.