Compare 1577 edition: 1 Further, that the persons of the said templers be|ing attached, in manner as before is said, should be safelie kept in some competent place out of their owne houses, but not in streight prison, but in such order, as the shiriffes might be sure of them to bring them foorth when he should be commanded, to be found in the meane time according to their estate of their owne goods so seized, and hereof to make a true certificat vnto the treasurer and barons of the exche|ker, what they had doone concerning the premisses, declaring how manie of the said templers they had attached, with their names, and what lands and goods they had seized by vertue of this precept. The date of these two last writs was from Bi [...]let the 20 of De|cember, and the returne thereof to be made vnto the excheker, was the morrow after the Purification. There were writs also directed into Ireland, as we haue there made mention, and likewise vnto Iohn de Britaine earle of Richmond the lord warden of Scotland, & to Eustace de Cotesbach chamberleine of Scotland, to Walter de Pederton iustice of Westwales, and to Hugh Aldighle aliàs Audlie iu|stice of Northwales, to Robert Holland iustice of Chester, vnder like forme and maner as in Ireland we haue expressed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The malice which the lords had conceiued against the earle of Cornewall still increased, the more in|deed through the high bearing of him, being now ad|uanced to honour. For being a goodlie gentleman and a stout, he would not once yéeld an inch to any of them, which worthilie procured him great enuie a|mongst the chéefest peeres of all the realme, as sir Henrie Lacie earle of Lincolne, sir Guie earle of Warwike, and sir Aimer de Ualence earle of Pen|broke, the earles of Glocester, Hereford, Arundell, and others, which vpon such wrath and displeasure as they had conceiued against him, thought it not con|uenient to suffer the same any longer, in hope that the kings mind might happilie be altered into a bet|ter purpose, being not altogither conuerted into a ve|nemous disposition, but so that it might be cured, if the corrupter thereof were once banished from him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon they assembled t [...]g [...]ther in the parle|ment time, at the new temple, Tho. Walsi. Cõntinuatiõ of N. Triuet. on saturdaie next be|fore the feast of saint Dunstan, and there ordeined that the said Péers should abiure the realme, and de|part the same on the morrow after the Natiuitie of saint Iohn Baptist at the furthest, and not to returne into the same againe at any time then after to come. To this ordinance the king (altho [...] against his will) bicause he saw himselfe and the [...]alme in dan|ger, gaue his consent, and made his letters patents to the said earles and lords, to witnesse the same.