Compare 1577 edition: 1 Within three daies after, when the lord treasu|rer Walter de Langton bishop of Couentri [...] and Lichfield (thorough whose complaint Péers de Ga|ueston had beene banished the land) was going to|wards Westminster, to make preparation for the same buriall, he was vpon commandement from the new king arrested, commi [...]ted to prison, and after deliuered to the hands of the said Péers, being then returned againe into the realme,The bishop of Couentrie committed to prison. who sent him from castell to castell as a prisoner. His lands and tene|ments were seized to the kings vse, but his moouea|bles were giuen to the foresaid Peers. Walter Reig|nold that had beene the kings tutor in his childhood, was then made lord treasurer, and after when the fée of Worcester was void, at the kings instance he was by the pope to that bishoprike preferred. Also, Rafe bishop of London was deposed from the office of lord Chancellour,Officers re|mooued. and Iohn Langton bishop of Chichester was therto restored. Likewise, the barons of the excheker were remooued, and other put in their places. And Amerie de Ualence earle of Penbroke was discharged of the wardenship of Scotland, and Iohn de Britaine placed in that office, whom he also made earle of Richmond.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now concerning the demeanour of this new king, whose disordered maners brought himselfe and manie others vnto destruction; we find that in the beginning of his gouernement, though he was of nature giuen to lightnesse, yet being restreined with the prudent aduertisements of certeine of his coun|cellors, Polydor. to the end he might shew some likelihood of good proofe, be counterfeited a kind of grauitie, ver|tue and modestie; but yet he could not throughlie be so bridled, but that foorthwith he began to plaie diuers wanton and light parts, at the first indeed not out|ragiouslie, but by little and little, and that couertlie. For hauing reuoked againe into England his old mate the said Peers de Gaueston,Péers de Gaueston. he receiued him into most high fauour, creating him earle of Corne|wall, and lord of Man, his principall secretarie,The yeare next insuing, the Ile of Man was ta|ken by Ro|bert Bruce. and lord chamberlaine of the realme, through whose com|panie and societie he was suddenlie so corrupted, that he burst out into most heinous vices; for then vsing the said Peers as a procurer of his disordred dooings, he began to haue his nobles in no regard, to set no|thing by their instructions, and to take small héed vn|to the good gouernement of the commonwealth, so that within a while, he gaue himselfe to wantonnes, passing his time in voluptuous pleasure, and riotous excesse: and (to helpe them forward in that kind of life, the foresaid Peers, who (as it may be thought, he had sworne to make the king to forget himselfe, and the state, to the which he was called) furnished his court with companies of iesters, ruffians, flattering parasites, musicians, and other vile and naughtie ri|balds, that the king might spend both daies and nights in iesting, plaieng, banketing, and in such o|other filthie and dishonorable exercises: and more|ouer, desirous to aduance those that were like to him selfe, he procured for them honorable offices, all which notable preferments and dignities, sith they were ill bestowed, were rather to be accounted dishonorable than otherwise, both to the giuer and the receiuer, sith
Sufficiens honor est homini, cùm dignus honore est,Q [...]i datur indigno non est honor, est o [...]us, imòIudibrium, veluti in scena cùm ludius est rex,Quippe honor est soli virtuti debitamerces.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the thirteenth day of October,A parlem [...] at North|ampton. a parlement was holden at Northampton, in the which it was or|deined by the kings appointment, that the coine of his father king Edward should be still currant, not|withstanding the basenesse thereof, as some reputed it, and therefore it was mooued in the parlement to haue it disanulled. ¶Also, order was taken for the buriall of his fathers corpse, which was solemnelie conueied from Waltham, and brought to Westmin|ster the seauen and twentith day of October follow|ing, where with all funerall pompe it was interred. Moreouer, at [...]he same parlement, a marriage was concluded betwixt the earle of Cornewall Peers de Gaueston, and the daughter of Gilbert de Clare earle of Glocester,Péers de G [...]ueston [...] which he had by his wife the coun|tesse Ioane de Acres the kings sister, which marri|age was solemnized on All hallowes day next in|suing.