Compare 1577 edition: 1 Prince Edward not able to abide such dishonor, in the feast of the apostle Peter and Paule,Prince Ed|ward taketh monie out of ye treasurie of the temple. taking with him Robert Waleran, and certeine others, went to the new temple, and there easling for the kée|per of the treasure-house, as if he meant to see his mothers iewels, that were laid vp there, to be safelie kept, he entred into the house, and breaking the cof|fers of certeine persons that had likewise brought their monie thither, to haue it in more safetie, he tooke away from thence the value of 1000 pounds.
Mars. lib. 11. Hor. lib. car. 3. ode 24. —ô quantum cogit egestasMagnum pauperies opprobrium iubetQuiduis & facere & pati,Virtutisque viam deserit arduae.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The citizens of London were so offended herewith that they rose in armour against him and other of the kings councell,The Londo|ners rob the house of the lord Gray. in somuch that they assailed the lodg|ing of the lord Iohn Gray without Ludgate, and tooke out of his stables 32 horsses, and such other things as they might laie hold vpon, kéeping such stur that the lord Gray himselfe was forced to flie be|yond Fleetbridge. The like rule they kept at the house of Iohn de Passelew.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Iohn Mansell departing foorth of the towre to the Thames, with the countesse de Lisle,Iohn Mãsell fléeth into France. and other ladies that were strangers borne, sailed into France, and landed at Whitsand, where the said Mansell hearing that the lord Henrie, sonne to the king of Almaine, that then held with the barons was in those parts, he caused the lord Ingram de Fines to staie him as prisoner, and so he remained, till king Henrie vpon the agreement betwixt him and the barons, found meanes to get him released, and so then he returned into England.