Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 About Easter,The archbish. of Rone. the archbishop of Rone came ouer into England, and dooing homage for such reuenues as belonged to his church here within this realme, had the same restored vnto him. Matth. Paris. Great raine. In Iune there fell such abundance of raine, speciallie about Abington, that the willow trées, milles, and other houses stand|ing néere to the water side, were borne downe and ouerturned, with one chapell also: and the corne in the field was so beaten to the ground, that bread made thereof after it was ripe, seemed as it had beene made of bran.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same time,The earle of Salisburie & other go into the holie land. William de Longespée earle of Salisburie, and Robert de Uéer, with other Eng|lishmen, to the number of two hundred knights, ha|uing taken on them the crosse, went into the holie land, the said earle being their chéefe capteine, and had so prosperous speed in their iornie, that they arri|ued safe and sound in the christian armie, where (the French king being chéefe thereof) they were receiued ioifullie. Matth. Paris. But yet (as Matthew Paris writeth) the pride and disdaine of the Frenchmen was so great, that vpon spite and enuie conceiued at the English|mens glorie, which bare themselues right worthilie,The spite of the French towards the Englishmen. the Frenchmen vsed the Englishmen nothing freendlie; & namelie the earle of Arras sticked not to speake manie reprochfull words against the said William de Longespée and his people, whereat they could not but take great indignation.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Also the same season, the earle of Leicester, who had likewise receiued the crosse, deferred his iournie for a time, and sailing into Gascoigne, mightilie there subdued the kings enimies, as Gaston de Bierne, also one Rusteine, and William de Solares. This yeare died Peter de Geneure, a Prouancois borne,Peter de Ge|neure. whome the king had preferred in marriage vnto the ladie Maud, daughter and heire of Walter Lacie a man of faire possessions in Ireland. Of which marri|age there came issue a sonne and a daughter. Also a|bout Whitsuntide died a noble baron of the north EEBO page image 242 parts,The deceasse of Roger Fitz Iohn. named the lord Roger Fitz Iohn, whose sonne and heire being yoong, was giuen in wardship to William de Ualence the kings halfe brother. Also this yeare Hugh earle of March, father to the same William de Ualence died in Cipres,The death of Hugh le Brun. whilest the French armie wintered there, as then going into the holie hand.