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8.1. Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris Rogerus de monte alto senescallus Cestriae salutem. Sciatis quòd ego me constitui plegium, &c.

Omnibus hoc scriptum visuris Rogerus de monte alto senescallus Cestriae salutem. Sciatis quòd ego me constitui plegium, &c.

_TO all and singular, to whome this writing shall come, Roger de monte alto the steward of Chester sendeth greeting. Know yee that I haue con|stituted my selfe pledge for Senena the wife of Griffin the sonne of Leolin, sometimes prince of Northwales, and haue vndertaken for hir to our souereigne lord Henrie king of England, that the said Senena shall accomplish and per|forme all and singular those couenants and ar|ticles, agreed vpon betweene our said soue|reigne lord and the said Senena, for and con|cerning the deliuerance of the said Griffin hir husband and Owen his sonne out of the prison of Dauid his brother, and the portion of inhe|ritance due vnto the said Griffin, which the said Dauid keepeth from him by force. In wit|nesse whereof to this present writing I haue put my seale. Dated at Salop, the mondaie before the feast of the Ascension of the blessed virgin Marie, in the 15 yeare of his reigne.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to our purpose. When Dauid vnder|stood of the kings approach with so puissant an armie, he was brought into great perplexitie, and the more in déed, not onelie bicause there chanced the same yeare for the space of foure moneths togither a great drouth,Dauid driuen to his wits end. so that the marishes and bogges were dried vp and made passable for the kings people, but also for that manie of the Welsh Nobilitie, as cheefelie Griffin Maddoc and others, sought his destruction in fauour of his brother Griffin (whose deliuerance they earnestlie wished) and for that he stood excom|municate by the pope. All which things well conside|red, caused him to doubt of a further mischéefe to hang ouer his head: wherevpon he sent to the king, signifieng that he would deliuer his brother Griffin freelie into his hands, but letting him withall to wit by manie good reasons, that if he did set him at liber|tie, he should minister manie new occasions of conti|nuall warres.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, this couenant Dauid required at the kings hands, that the king should reserue him so to his peace vnder the bond of fidelitie and hostages, that he should not disherit him: which when as the king courteouslie granted, Dauid sent vnto him his brother Griffin, to dispose of him as he should thinke requisite. The king receiuing him, sent him to Lon|don, vnder the conduct of sir Iohn de Lexinton, togi|ther with other mo (whome he had receiued as hosta|ges both of Dauid and others the Nobles of Wales) appointing them to be kept in safetie within the tow|er there.Dauid deliue|reth his bro|ther to the K. There was also a charter or déed made by the same Dauid vnto king Henrie, conteining the articles, couenants, and grants made betwixt the said prince and the foresaid Dauid, as followeth.

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