Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit he neuer had issue by any of those his wiues,The partition of his lands. so that Iohn Scot his nephue by his sister Mawd succéeded him in the earldome of Chester, and William Dalbenie earle of Arundell, nephue to him by his sister Mabell, had the manour of Barrow, and other lands that belonged to the said Ranulfe, of the yerelie value of fiue hundred pounds. Robert Quin|cie, he that married his sister Hauise, had the earle|dome of Lincolne, and so of a baron became an earle who had issue by his wife, Margerie countesse of Lincolne, that was maried to Edmund Lacie earle EEBO page image 216 of Lincolne. William earle Ferrers and of Dar|bie, that had married Agnes, sister to the said Ra|nulfe, had the castell and manour of Chartley, togi|ther with other lands for his pourpart.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Here is also to be remembred, that the afore men|tioned earle Ranulfe (or Randulfe whether ye list to call him) atchiued manie high enterprises in his time, as partlie in this booke ye haue alreadie heard: he held sore warres against the Welshmen, till at length an agréement was concluded betwixt him and Leolin prince of Wales. I remember I haue read in an old record, that vpon a time as this earle passed into Wales with an armie, his chance was to be ouerset by the Welshmen, so that he was dri|uen to retire into a castell, wherein the Welshmen did besiege him.This Roger Lacie is sur|named Helie. And as it fortuned at that time, Ro|ger Lacie the constable of Chester was not then with him, but left behind at Chester to see the citie kept in order (for as it should séeme, their solemne plaies which commonlie are vsed at Whitsuntide were then in hand, or else their faire which is kept at Midsummer.)
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherefore the earle sent a messenger in all possi|ble hast vnto his constable, praieng him with spéed to come to his succour in that extreame point of ne|cessitie. Lacie made no delaie, but assembling all the forreners, plaiers, musicians, and others which he could find within that citie fit to weare armor, went foorth with them, and in most speedie maner marched toward the castell, where the Welshmen kept the earle besieged, who now perceiuing such a multitude of men comming towards them, incontinentlie left the siege and fled awaie. The earle then being thus de|liuered out of that present danger, came foorth of the castell, returned with his constable vnto Chester, and in recompense of that seruice, gaue vnto his said constable Roger Lacie, the rule, order, and authoritie ouer all the forreners, plaiers, musicians, and other strangers resorting to Chester at the time, when such publike plaies (or else faire) should be kept & holden.