Compare 1577 edition: 1 Fouks himselfe, whilest the siege continued, laie aloofe in [...]eshire, and on the borders of Wales,He was in the borders of Wales, where the earle of Chester was lord. as one watching to doo some mischiefe: but after the ca|stell was woone, he got him to Couentrie, and there was yer long apprehended, and brought to the king, of whom he obteined pardon of life, but yet by the whole consent of the nobles and péeres of the realme, he was exiled the land for euermore, and then went to Rome, where he knew to purchase his pardon ea|silie inough for mony, of what crime soeuer he should be iudged culpable. His wife, bicause she neuer con|sented to his dooings, nor yet willinglie to the mar|riage had betwixt hir and him, was acquited of all blame, and so likewise was his sonne Thomas.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Howbeit at length the foresaid Fouks, hauing obteined his purpose at Rome (by meanes of his chapleine Robert Paslew an Englishman,The end of Fouks [...] Brent. who was his sollicitor there) as he returned towards Eng|land in the yeare insuing, was poisoned and died by the waie, making so an end of his inconstant life, which from the time that he came to yeares of discre|tion was neuer bent to quietnes. Which may be re|ported of him, not to his honour or renowme (for a|las what same is gotten by giuing occasions of euill) but to his euerlasting shame and infamie, for the same shall neuer die, but remaine in perpetuall me|morie, as one saith right well,
H [...]minum immortalis est infamia,Plaut. in P [...]sa.Etiam tunc viuit cùm essecredas m [...]rtuam.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But now to leaue these things, and returne to the dooings in France where we left. Ye shall vnder|stand, that after Sauerie de Mauleon was reuolted to the French king, the said king with all spéed de|termined to make warre vpon king Henrie, and to win from [...] certeine townes and fortresses with|in the countrie of Poictou.