Compare 1577 edition: 1 In this meane while, the strife depended still in the court of Rome betwixt the two elected archbi|shops of Canturburie, Reginald and Iohn. But EEBO page image 171 after the pope was fullie informed of the manner of their elections,Stephan Langton cho|sen archbishop of Canturbu|rie by ye popes appointment. he disanulled them both, and procured by his papall authoritie the moonks of Canturburie (of whome manie were then come to Rome about that matter) to choose one Steph [...]n L [...]gton the car|dinall of S. Chrysogon an Englishman borne, and of good estimation and learning in the court of Rome to be their archbishop. The moonks at the first were loth to consent thereto, alledging that they might not lawfullie doo it without consent of their king, and of their couent.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 But the pope as it were taking the word out of their mouths, said vnto them:
Doo yée not consider that we haue full authoritie and power in the church of Canturburie: neither is the assent of kings or princes to be looked for vpon elections celebrated in the presence of the apostolike sée. Wherefore I com|mand you by vertue of your obedience, and vpon paine of curssing, that you being such and so manie here as are sufficient for the election, to choose him to your archbishop, whome I shall appoint to you for fa|ther and pastor of your soules.The moonks doubting to offend the pope, consented all of them to gratifie him, except Helias de Brantfield, who refused. And so the foresaid Stephan Langton being elected of them, was confirmed of the pope, who signified by letters the whole state therof to king Iohn, commen|ding the said Stephan as archbishop vnto him.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The king [...]ore offended in his mind that the bishop of Norwich was thus put beside that dignitie, to the which he had aduanced him, caused forthwith all the goods of the moonks of Canturburie to be confiscate to his vse,The moonks of Canturbu|rie banished. King Iohn writeth to the pope. and after banished them the relme, as well I meane those at home, as those that were at Rome, and herewith wrote his letters vnto the pope, giuing him to vnderstand for answer,