Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The war was mightilie mainteined all this while betwixt them of Poictou and Aquitaine, and manie sharpe incounters chanced betwixt the parties, of which the one following the king of Englands lieute|nant Robert de Turneham valiantlie resisted the other that held with the French king vnder the con|duct of William de Roches, & Hugh le Brun earle of March, chiefe leaders of that faction. But Robert Turneham, togither with Sauerie de Mauleon, and Gerard de Atie, bare themselues so manfullie, that in all conflicts for the most part the victorie remained on their sides. The Gascoignes also tooke part with king Iohn, and continued in dutifull obedience towards him, for the which their loialtie he was readie to consider them with princelie gifts and beneficiall rewards, in such bountifull wise, that he gaue vnto a Noble man of that countrie name Moreue, the summe of 28 thousand marks, to levie & wage thirtie thousand men to aid him at his comming ouer into those parties. The archbishop of Burdeaux, that was brother vnto the foresaid Moreue, became suertie for performance of the couenants, and remained in England a long time, bicause the same couenants were not in all points accomplished.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The bishop of London was sent ambassador from king Iohn vnto the emperour vpon certeine earnest businesse. The duke of Lo [...]in [...], and the earle of Bullongne were made friends by the French kings [...], and promised to inuade England with an armie, and to make warre against king Iohn for the withholding of such lands and reuenues as they claimed to be due vnto them, in right of their wiues. King Philip also vndertooke to follow them within a moneth after they should be entred into England, & thus did the French king seeke to make him str [...]ng with fréends, which [...]a [...]lie fell from king Iohn [...]n ech hand. ¶Godfrey bishop of Winchester, that was son to the lord Richard de L [...]ie departed this life. This yeare the king was on Christmasse day at Tenkes|burie,120 [...] where he staied not past one day.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The 14 day of Ianuarie it began to fréeze, and so continued till the 22 of March, with such extremitie,An extreame frost. that the husbandmen could not make their [...]ilth, by reason wherof in the summer following, corne began to grow to an excessiue price, so that wheat was sold by the quarter at 12 shillings of monie then cur|rant. This yeare about the feast of Pentecost, the king (by the aduise of his councell assembled at Northampton) prepared a nauie of ships, Anno. Reg. [...]. Polydor. Matth. Paris. King Iohn prepareth an armie to go into France. mustered souldiers, and shewed great tokens that he would renew the war, and séeke to be reuenged of his eni|mie the French king. The Nobles of the realme indeuoured themselues also to match the diligence of the king in this preparation, vpon an earnest de|sire to reuenge the iniuries latelie doone to the com|mon-wealth.