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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same day also the kings sisters and the ladie Berengaria with the residue of the kings nauie en|tred the hauen of Limezun. In the meane time the king of Cypres (hauing escaped from the battell) got togither his men which were fled and dispersed sun|drie waies, and incamped within six miles of king Richard, threatning that the next day he would eft|soones giue battell: which when king Richard vnder|stood, he caused his people to be armed the next mor|ning long before day, and so comming by guides vn|to the place where the Cypriots with their king were lodged,King Richard with a cami|sado vanqui| [...]heth the Cy|priots, & cha|seth them out of their campe. Iohn Textor. suddenlie they assailed them yer they had a|nie warning of his marching towards them, by rea|son whereof they were slaine like beasts in great numbers. Howbeit, their king and a few otherī€­ esca|ped and fled away naked, hauing no time to put on their apparell, his treasure, horsse, armour and stan|dard were taken, which standard king Richard strait|waies determined to send vnto saint Edmunds shrine, and so did.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Hauing thus vanquished his aduersaries,The K. of Ie|rusalem and other noble men doo fealtie vnto king Richard. he came backe to Limezun: and the third day after, Guie king of Ierusalem and his brother Geffrey de Lu|cignan with the prince of Antioch Raimond and his sonne named also Raimond earle of Tripoli, with other noble men, arriued at Limezun aforesaid, to visit king Richard, and to offer him their seruices, and so became his men, in swearing fealtie to him a|gainst all other persons whatsoeuer.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The same day the king of Cypres perceiuing him|selfe vnable to resist the great puissance of king Ri|chards armie, sent ambassadours, and offered to king Richard the summe of twentie thousand marks of gold,The offers of the king of Cypres. in recompense of the monie which his men that were drowned had about them, and also to restore those to libertie which he had taken prisoners, and to make deliuerie to their hands of all their goods. Fur|thermore, he offered to go with him into the holie land personallie, and to serue him with an hundred EEBO page image 128 knights, 400 light horssemen, and 500 well armed footmen, & also to deliuer to king Richard his daugh|ter and heire in hostage,The king of Cypres sub|mitteth him|selfe. and to acknowledge him his souereigne lord, by swearing to him fealtie for his kingdome, as for that which he should confesse to hold of him.

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