Compare 1577 edition: 1 N. Treuet. The archbi|shop of Rouen.The archbishop of Rouen, with thrée of his suffra|gans, the archbishop of Yorke, and manie other bi|shops of England: Theodorus the earle of Flan|ders, with a great number of other earles, lords and barons were present there at his coronation. He was at that time about the age of three and twentie yeares, Polydor. and to win the peoples loue, he spake manie comfortable words vnto them, to put them in hope (as the manner is) that they should find him a louing prince. He vsed the lords also verie coueteouslie. And first of all, after his atteining to the crowne, he chose to him councellers of the grauest personages,Councellers chosen. and best learned in the lawes of the realme, with whose prudent aduice be perused those lawes, and amended them where he thought necessarie, commanding chieflie, that the lawes established by his grandfa|ther Henrie the first should be obserued: Ran. Higd. and in ma|nie things he relied vpon the aduice of Theobald archbishop of Canturburie, at whose su [...]e he admit|ted Thomas Becket to be his chancellour,Thom. Bec|ket lord chan|cellor. which Becket the said archbishop had made archdeacon of Canturburie the yeare before.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Moreouer, by
the sentence and doome of his coun|cellers, to the intent that peace and quiet order might take place, and
be the better mainteined, he commanded by waie of publishing a proclamation,
Anno Reg. 2. 1155 that all strangers (which to get somwhat by the wars had flocked into
the realme,
Nic. Triuet. Polydor. Wil. Paruus.
Strangers appointed to depart the realme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 By vertue also of this edict, William of Ypres,William de Ypres. whom king Stephan (as ye haue heard) had made earle of Kent, was constreined with others to de|part the realme, king Henrie seizing all his possessi|ons into his owne hands.Castels ouer|throwne. Polydor. Matth. Paris. Diuerse castels were throwne downe and made plaine with the ground at the kings commandement, which priuate men by king Stephans permission had builded, or else for that they stood not in such places as was thought meet and expedient; Wil. Paruus. Matth. Paris. yet some he caused to be fortifi|ed: and furthermore, tooke into his hands againe such lands and possessions as apperteined to the crowne, and were alienated vnto any manner of person, of what degrée so euer he was. This wounded the minds of many with an inward grudge, as well e|nough perce [...]uing that the king would looke so néere to his owne commoditie, that nothing should be left for them that might any way be recouered and got|ten to his vse.