Compare 1577 edition: 1 ¶ But by the way, for the better vnderstanding of the said agreement, I haue thought good to set downe the verie tenor of the charter made by king Stephan, EEBO page image 62 as I haue copied it out, and translated it into Eng|lish out of an autentike booke conteining the old lawes of the Saxon and Danish kings, in the end whereof the same charter is exemplified, which booke is remaining with the right worshipfull William Fléetwood esquire, now recorder of London, and sargeant at law.
Compare 1577 edition: 14.1. The charter of king Stephan, of the pacification of the troubles betwixt him and Henrie duke of Normandie.
The charter of king Stephan, of the pacification of the troubles betwixt him and Henrie duke of Normandie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 _STephan king of England, to all archbishops, bishops, abbats, earles, iusticers, sherifes, barons and all his faithfull subiects of England sendeth greeting. Know yee that I king Stephan, haue ordeined Henrie duke of Normandie after me by right of in|heritance to be my successour, and heire of the kingdome of England, and so haue I giuen and granted to him and his heires the kingdome of England. For the which honour, gift, and confirmation to him by me made, he hath doone homage to me, and with a corporall oth hath assured me, that he shall be faithfull and loiall to me, and shall to his power preserue my life and ho|nour: and I on the other side shall maine|teine and preserue him as my sonne and heire in all things to my power, and so far as by any waies or meanes I may.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And William my sonne hath doone his lawfull homage,William sonne to king Ste|phan. and assured his fealtie vnto the said duke of Normandie, and the duke hath granted to him to hold of him all those tenements and holdings which I held before I atteined to the possession of the realme of England, wheresoeuer the same be in England, Normandie, or else|where, and whatsoeuer he receiued with the daughter of earle Warren, either in England or Normandie,Earle War|ren. & likewise what|soeuer apperteineth to those honoures. And the duke shall put my sonne William and his men that are of that honour in full possession and seizine of all the lands, bo|roughs and rents, which the duke there|of now hath in his demaine, and namelie of those that belong to the honour of the earle Warren, and namelie of the castels of Bellencumber and Mortimer,The castels of Bellencum|ber and Mor|timer. so that Reginald de Warren shall haue the kee|ping of the same castels of Bellencumber, and of Mortimer, if he will; and therevpon shall giue pledges to the duke: and if he will not haue the keeping of those castels, then other liege men of the said erle War|ren, whome it shall please the duke to ap|point, shall by sure pledges and good suertie keepe the said castels.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Moreouer, the duke shall deliuer vnto him according to my will and pleasure the other castels, which belong vnto the earle|dome of Mortaigne by safe custodie and pledges,The earldome of Mortaigne. so soone as he conuenientlie may, so as all the pledges are to be restored vnto my sonne free, so soone as the duke shall haue the realme of England in possession. The augmentation also which I haue gi|uen vnto my sonne William, he hath like|wise granted the same to him; to wit, the castell and towne of Norwich,Norwich. with seauen hundred pounds in lands, so as the rents of Norwich be accounted as parcell of the same seauen hundred pounds in lands, and all the countie of Norfolke; the profits and rents which belong to churches, bishops, abbats & earles excepted; and the third pennie whereof Hugh Bigot is earle,Hugh Bigot. also excepted: sauing also and reseruing the kings roiall iurisdiction for administration of iustice. Also the more to strengthen my fauour and loue to himwards, the duke hath giuen and granted vnto my said sonne whatsoeuer Richer de Aquila hath of the honour of Peuensey.Richer de Egle. And moreouer the ca|stell and towne of Peuensey, and the ser|uice of Faremouth, beside the castell and towne of Douer, and whatsoeuer apper|teineth to the honour of Douer.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke hath also confirmed the church of Feuersham with the appurtenances;The church of Feuersham. and all other things giuen or restored by me vnto other churches, he shall confirme by the counsell and aduice of holie church and of me. The earles and barons that be|long to the duke, which were neuer my leeges, for the honour which I haue doone to their maister, they haue now doone ho|mage and sworne fealtie to me, the coue|nants betwixt me & the said duke alwaies saued. The other which had before doone homage to me, haue sworne fealtie to me as to their souereigne lord. And if the duke should breake and go from the premisses, then are they altogither to ceasse from doo|ing him any seruice, till he reforme his mis|dooings. And my sonne also is to constreine him thereto, according to the aduice of ho|lie church, if the duke shall chance to go from the couenants afore mentioned. My earles and barons also haue doone their leege and homage vnto the duke, sauing their faith to me so long as I liue, and shall hold the kingdome with like condition, that if I doo breake and go from the premitted couenants, that then they may ceasse from dooing me any seruice, till the time I haue reformed that which I haue doone amisse.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The citizens also of cities, and those persons that dwell in castels, which I haue in my demaine, by my commande|ment haue doone homage, and made assu|rance to the duke, sauing the fealtie which they owe to me during my life time, and so long as I shall hold the kingdome. They which keep the castle of Wallingford haue doone their homage to me,Wallingford castell. and haue giuen to me pledges for the obseruing of their fealtie. And I haue made vnto the duke such assurance of the castels and strengths which I hold by the counsell and aduice of holie church, that when I shall depart this life, the duke thereby may not run in|to any losse or impeachment, wherby to be debarred from the kingdome.The tower of London. Mo [...]a de Windsor. The tower of London, and the fortresse of Windsor, by the counsell and aduice of holie church EEBO page image 63 are deliuered vnto the lord Richard de Lu|cie,Richard de Lucie. safelie to be kept, which Richard hath taken an oth, and hath deliuered his sonne in pledge to remaine in the hands and cu|stodie of the archbishop of Canturburie, that after my decease he shall deliuer the same castels vnto the duke. Likewise by the counsell and aduise of holie church, Roger de Bussey keepeth the castell of Ox|ford,Mo [...] de Ox|ford. and Iordaine de Bussey the castell of Lincolne, which Roger & Iordaine haue sworne, and thereof haue deliuered pled|ges into the hands of the archbishop, that if I shall chance to leaue this life, they shal render the same castels to the duke with|out impeachment.The bishop of Winchester. The bishop of Winche|ster hath also giuen his faith in the hands of the archbishop of Canturburie, that if I chance to depart this life, he shall render vp vnto the duke the castels of Winche|ster, and the fortresse of Hampton.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And if any of them, vnto whom the cu|stodie of these fortresses shall be commit|ted, fortune to die, or otherwise to depart from his charge, an other shall be appoin|ted to the keeping of the same fortresse, be|fore he shall depart foorth thereof, by the counsell and aduice of holie church. And if any of those persons that haue any castels or fortresses belonging to me in their cu|stodie shall be found disobedient and rebell, I and the duke shall constreine him to sa|tisfie our will & pleasure, not leauing him in rest till he be so constreined. The arch|bishops and bishops of the realme of Eng|land, and the abbats also, haue by my com|mandement sworne fealtie vnto the duke; and the bishops and abbats that hereaf|ter shall be made and aduanced here with|in the realme of England shall likewise sweare fealtie to him. The archbishops al|so and bishops on either part, haue vnder|taken, that if either of vs shall go from the foresaid couenants, they shall so long cha|stise the partie offending with the ecclesi|asticall censures, till he reforme his fault, and returne to fulfill and obserue the said couenants. The mother also of the duke, and his wife, and his brethren, & subiects whom he may procure, shall likewise as|sure the premisses.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 In matters belonging to the state of the realme, I shall worke by the dukes ad|uice. And through all the realme of Eng|land, as well in that part which belongeth to the duke, as in that which belongeth to me, I shall see that roiall iustice be execu|ted. These beeing witnesses, Theobald archbishop of Canturburie, Hen. of Win|chester, Robert of Excester, Rob. of Bath, Goceline of Salisburie, Robert of Lin|colne, Hilarie of Cicester, William of Norwich, Richard of London, Nigell of Elie, Gilbert of Hereford, Iohn of Wor|cester, Walter of Chester, Walter of Ro|chester, Geffrey of S. Asaph, Bishops: Ro|bert prior of Bermondsey, Othon knight of the temple, William earle of Cicester, Robert earle of Leicester, William earle of Glocester, Renold of Cornewall, Bald|win de Toning, Roger de Hereford, Hugh Bigot, Patrike de Salisburie, William de Albemarle, Earle Alberike, Roger Clare, Richard erle of Pembroke, Richard de Lucie, William Martell, Richard de Humer, Reginald de Warren, Mahaser Biset, Iohn de Port, Richard de Came|uille, Henrie de Essex. Yeuen at West|minster.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Thus far the Charter: and now to proceed with the historie. Immediatlie after Christmasse,1154 Ger. Dor. Anno Reg. 19. euen in the Octaues of the Epiphanie, the king and duke Henrie met againe at Oxenford, where all the earls and barons of the land being assembled, sware feal|tie vnto duke Henrie, their allegiance due vnto king Stephan, as to their souereigne lord and su|preme gouernour so long as he liued, alwaies reser|ued. The forme of the peace was now also ingrossed and registred for a perpetuall witnesse of the thing, in this yeare 1154. after their account that begin the yeare at Christmasse, as about the feast of S. Hi|larie in Ianuarie commonlie called the twentith daie. Thus was Henrie the sonne of the empresse made the adopted sonne of king Stephan, and there|vpon the said Henrie saluted him as king, and na|med him father. After conclusion of this peace, by the power of almightie God, all debate ceassed, in such wise, that the state of the realme of England did maruelous [...]ie for a time flourish, concord being mainteined on ech hand. ¶ There be which affirme, that an other cause bound king Stephan to agrée to this attonement chiefelie, namelie for that the em|presse (as they saie) was rather king Stephans par|amour than his enimie: Polydor. and therefore (when she saw the matter growne to this point, that they were rea|die to trie battell with their armies readie ranged on a plaine in the westerne parts called Egelaw heath) she came secretlie vnto king Stephan, Matth. Paris. Egelaw heath. & spake vnto him on this wise: What a mischieuous and vn|naturall thing go ye about?The words of the empresse to king Ste|phan.
Is it méet that the father should destroie the sonne? Is it lawfull for the sonne to kill the father? For the loue of God (man) refraine thy displeasure, and cast thy weapons out of thy hand, sith that (as thou thy selfe knowest full well) Henrie is thine owne sonne.With these and the like words she put him in mind, and couertlie told him,The empresse confesseth hir selfe to be naught of hir bodie. that he had to doo with hir a little before she was maried vn|to earle Geffrey.