Compare 1577 edition: 1 5 That the king should reforme all such disorders as warre had brought in; to restore farmers to their holdings, to repaire decaied buildings, to store pa|stures and leassues with cattell, hils with sheepe, &c.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 6 That by his meanes the cleargie might enioy their due quietnesse, and not be oppressed with any vn|iust exactions.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 7 That he should place shirifes where they had béene accustomed to beare rule, with instructions gi|uen them to deale vprightlie in causes, so as offen|ders might not escape through bribes, or any other respect of freendship; but that euerie man might re|ceiue according to right and equitie.