Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 About this season, one Owin (whome some name prince of Wales) was slaine, as Simon Dunelmen. Simon Dun. writeth, but by whom, or in what sort, he sheweth not. In this eightéenth yeare of king Henries reigne, on All hallowes daie, or first of Nouember, great light|ning, thunder, and such a storme of haile fell, that the people were maruellouslie amazed therwith. Also on the thirtéenth of December, there happened a great earthquake, and the moone was turned into a bloodie colour: which strange accidents fell about the mid|dest of the night. At the same time, quéene Maud, wife to king Henrie departed this life. But now to returne to other dooings.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 It chanced vpon a small occasion, that verie sore and dangerous warres followed out of hand, betwixt king Henrie and Lewes surnamed the grosse king of France: the beginning whereof grew herevpon. Theobald earle of Champaigne, descended of the earles of Blois,Theobald erle of Cham|paigne. Polydor. was linked in amitie with king Henrie, by reason of affinitie that was betwixt them (for Stephan the earle of Blois married ladie Adila the sister of king Henrie.) Now it happened, that the foresaid Theobald had by chance offended the said Lewes, who in reuenge made sharpe warres vp|on him. But earle Theobald hoping for aid to be sent from his fréends in the meane time valiantlie resis|ted him, Hen. Hunt. and at length (by reason of a power of men which came to him from king Henrie) in such sort vexed and annoied the French king, that he consul|ted with Baldwine earle of Flanders, and Foulke earle of Aniou,Foulke earle of Aniou. by what means he might best depriue king Henrie of his duchie of Normandie, and restore the same vnto William the sonne of duke Robert, vnto whom of right he said it did belong.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now king Henrie hauing intelligence of his whole purpose, endeuoured on the otherside to resist his attempts, and after he had leuied a sore tribute of his subiects, passed ouer into Normandie with a great power, and no small masse of monie,King Henrie passeth ouer into Norman|die to assist the erle of Cham|paigne. where ioining with earle Theobald, they began to prepare for warre, purposing to follow the same euen to the vttermost. K. Lewes in the m [...]ane time, supposing that all hope of victorie rested in spéedie dispatch of present affaires, determined likewise to haue inua|ded Normandie vpon the sudden. But after he per|ceiued that his enimies were all in a redinesse, and verie well prouided to resist him: he staied and drew backe a little while. Neuerthelesse in the end he be|came so desirous to be dooing with king Henrie, that approching néere vnto the confines of Normandie,The French K. inuadeth Normandie. he made manie skirmishes with the English, yet no notable exploit passed betwixt them in that yeare.